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"AHHHH!" I hid my face against Xav's arm.

Even though my eyes were closed, I was screaming since I could hear the chainsaw! Xav and Cam were hysterically laughing. Xav was right about me needing a night light. I'll have to ask Hailey to get me one. Why do people freely watch movies like this?!

"Jason!" Jordan grabbed me, causing me to jump a foot in the air.

"How much longer?!" I cried out.

"We're only 10 minutes into the movie." Lizzie laughed.

The only one who seemed to understand how scary this movie was Inara. She was shaking in the corner. I scooted over to her and threw the blanket over our heads. We cuddled together and screamed as Jason turned his chainsaw on. Xav and Jordan shook their heads and called us babies.

When the movie finished, I demanded someone escort me to my room. There was no way I was walking by myself. I wasn't gonna risk fictional Jason killing me. Cam volunteered since his dorm was the closest to mine. I immediately clutched onto his arm. Everyone laughed when Cam dragged me out the well lit room.

I was on edge when we got outside. Every sound caused my hair to stand up. Cam assured me that we would be fine. I practically ran to the dorm and waved bye to Cam. He smiled and waved bye to me. I ran to my room because I was creeped out in these empty halls. When I got to my room, I slammed the door open and loudly sighed.


I stopped when I saw Hailey motioning for me to stop speaking. I looked at her in confusion. Hailey facepalmed herself and pointed behind me. I slowly turned to see Acacia sitting on my bed. She scoffed and then left my room.


"You told me that you love me in front of a girl that loves you. Idiot!" She hit my head. "What's wrong with you? And why was she so desperate to speak to you? I tried to ignore her, but she kept banging on the door. When I opened it to tell the person to stop, she pushed past me and sat on your bed. I tried to get her to leave, but she was determined to speak to you. So what the hell happened?"

"We kissed."

"What's new?"

"And then I ran off."

"Well, that's new." Hailey snickered. "Why'd you run off?" Hailey closed the door.

"I started to remember the bonding ritual." I mumbled.

"Is someone getting cold feet?" She mocked me. I groaned and nodded. "Hmm... that's normal. It's scary to put your heart out there, especially after everything you've been through." She sat down and patted the spot next to her.

"She's going to want to fully bond and I'm not ready for marriage."

"I think you're overthinking it." Hailey gave me a soft smile. "You should speak to her about everything and hear from her mouth how she views things. She's obviously worried that you're going to reject her."

"I don't think we could ever happen because she can't be with anyone other than an elf." I sniffled. "She- I'm sad Hailey. I'm really sad."

"Biquette." Hailey cooed and wrapped me in a hug. "It'll be alright. I know everything is complicated right now, but it will get better. I promise." She kissed my head. "I also don't think you're the only one who's confused about their feelings."

"If she never left me, this would never have happened. Naomi's hurt me so much to the point I can't trust others." I cried. "I'd be scared to date Acacia because what's to stop her from leaving me? Naomi didn't have a fiancé, yet she left. Acacia does... as well as a kingdom! I could never be with her."

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