Acacia POV: 9

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So the person they took us to turned out to be a raging bitch. She really had a squadron of demons try to kill us. Luckily, Zena knocked out her bitchass while also knocking herself out. I went to pick up Zena, but Nyx beat me to it. I narrowed my eyes at the dark angel, but she stated I looked rough and close to death. I grumbled since I did feel like I was about to die.

We walked through a portal and arrived in Italy? Nyx placed Zena in her room before leaving. Zena didn't look like she'd die, so I went to take a shower. I know she won't mind me borrowing her clothes. I exited to see her still passed out. I sighed and laid next to her. I felt myself struggling to breathe. I began a coughing fit and turned to spit out black stuff. Eww! So gross!

I heard a knock before the door opened. Hailey glanced down the hall before closing the door.

"Don't know much about healing oils, potions and whatnots. All I know is that Larz keeps these here on standby." Hailey gave me a potion. "Hopefully, this'll slow down your impending doom." Hailey chuckled while I glared at her.

"Thank you." I finished the liquid. "This tastes disgusting by the way."

"And you're back to your entitled ass." Hailey smirked while I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go get food since that one..." She pointed at Zena. "Will want food." I snickered and gently pushed Hailey's shoulder.

"Get pizza." She arched a brow. "Z has been wanting that for a while." I blushed. "It needs to be the Italian pizza, straight from Italy!" I imitated the girl's voice, causing Hailey to laugh.

Hailey left to get the food while I ran a hand along Zena's arm. She is so beautiful and calm. I wish I got to see her like this more. I turned and coughed into my hand. I'll only be able to see her like this for a little longer. I'm dying and-

Zena groaned, so I got my coughing under control. She smiled when she saw me and gave me a hug. Zena was exhausted, so I tried encouraging her to go back to sleep. Well, she would've gone back to sleep if they kept it quiet down there!

Zena and I walked in to see Millie aka Lara torturing Kikimora. I nearly barfed at how sadistic the torture was. Anyways, Kikimora being her bitchass self was all like oh leave so I can talk to Ken and Zena. We left them alone since we could hear everything anyway, dumbass!

Kikimora clearly knew we could hear since she made some ridiculous demands. The bitch really thought I'd give her territory in the elven realm?! How dumb is she?! I think she wanted to rile me up, which she clearly succeeded in!

A whole lot of arguing later and Kikimora was our guide to Hel. She somehow tricked us into meeting Lucifer and Lilith. Yay! I hope you can detect my sarcasm. Kikimora's friend, Erana, joined our adventure and stared that our friends were in the dark realm.

After that, we had to find Nat and cuntass Naomi. We found Nat! And unfortunately Naomi as well. Everything was fine and peachy until Lilitu sensed us. That forced us to run for our lives. Naomi grabbed Zena and yanked her though a border. I was not going to allow that hoeass bitch to steal my girl, so I followed them.

I should've known better than to trust that dumbass. Bitch took us into a different realm, separating us from the group. Naomi and I were arguing when we saw a dead person hanging from a tree. Zena went to investigate and screamed before a vampire could kill me! Thank you Naomi for bringing us to the fucking vampire realm!

We tried fighting them off, but they overpowered Naomi and I. Zena surrendered in an effort to save us. The vampires tortured the girl until she nearly passed out. Lara then arrived and screamed at everyone and stated that ZENA WAS HER FUCKING DAUGHTER! WHAT THE FUCK?! I had a mini panic attack at this newfound information.

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