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"I'm telling you, V... I have no idea what's wrong?"

Vera was comfortably situated on my bed. My head was on her lap while she ran her fingers through my hair. I spent the past hour ranting about my hopeless love life to my best friend. She promised to allow me to rant before giving me her opinion.

"You done yet?" Vera flicked my forehead.

"Ow! And yes."

"Well, dumbo... they're pissed because they think you're hooking up with your mother."

"Huh? That's nasty, V!"

"And incredibly funny." I shoved Vera when she began laughing. "Think about it." She caught my hands. "All of a sudden, you're very close to this new woman that they've never seen. Plus, your mother looks incredibly young, so it's convincing. And she's incredibly hot, so Acacia is hella jealous." She then thought for a moment. "Ahh! You can use your mom to make Acacia even more jealous."

"I'm not gonna fake date my maman. That's like incest." I said in disgust.

"Worth a shot." Vera shrugged. "How's Naomi?"

"OMG!" I sat up with a start. "Let me tell you what the she devil did!"

Vera's mouth was permanently hung open as I told her how Naomi deceived me. She was furious that Naomi would lie about sleeping with me in order to make Acacia jealous. Vera became even more of a Naomi hater. Vera wanted to know more about Eris and why she wanted to hurt me. She was shocked to learn that Acacia and Eris are sisters.

"Did you tell Acacia that Eris deceived you?"

"I didn't get the chance to." I sighed. "I tried telling her, but she got so upset and angry, so the conversation never happened." I groaned. "What do I do?"

"Tell her, dumbo!" She flicked my forehead again. "Actually, like go and tell her now!"

"I try, but her squad of minions bar me from even looking at her." I mumbled. "They won't allow me to get close." I huffed.

"You're a powerful hybr- tribr- quadbrid? The point is that you're scared of a few people who aren't even on the same power level as you?! You can kill them by simply flicking your wrist." She then stood up. "I actually have to get going for my date with Elly!" I rolled my eyes at the heart eyes she reserved for my cousin. "Tell me the deets later!" She hugged me tight before making a portal. "See ya!" She then stepped through.

I stayed in the same position and stared at the ceiling. I'm extremely nervous to speak to Acacia, so I'm trying to delay it as much as possible. It also doesn't help that today is parents' visiting day. I'm seriously hoping that my maman doesn't make a scene because- who am I kidding! My maman will cause a scene just by entering a room.

I rolled off my bed and ignored the texts from my maman. I didn't want her tagging along to my classes with me. It was obvious she was a vampire, so she should be shadowing Hailey. I walked past the students and their parents. Most students seemed to be in high spirits from reuniting with their families while others were counting down the hours until their parents left.

I saw my maman and Hailey joking around with each other, so I turned on my heel and scurried away. I wasn't looking where I was going, so I ran into Acacia. She gasped since her drink spilled onto her. My eyes widened at seeing the satin on her white shirt. Ahhhhh! Oh shit!

"Seriously?!" Acacia's shriek caught everyone's attention.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where-"

"You obviously weren't looking!" She cut me off. I saw Nat and Tatia walking next to her. Tatia was trying to calm Acacia down, but Acacia wanted to yell at me a bit more. "You're such a klutz!" Nat tried to drag Acacia away, but Acacia shook herself free. "Leave me alone and don't ever speak to me again, you freak!"

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