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Wow! This place is magnificently beautiful. I continued walking through this other worldly place. I've definitely crossed into another realm because there's no way people in the human realm could've built this. If Mount Olympus and Asgard had a baby, this place would be it. I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say this wasn't the Dark Realm.

It was way too bright and serene to be a place of chaos. I pushed off the trees and walked through the lush forest. I walked along the cobble path towards the main market. I stopped walking and hid in the forest when I observed the outfits the citizens were wearing.

Their clothing seemed to be Asian inspired. I can only imagine how soft the silk in the fabrics are. I did a spell to imitate their clothing. I smiled at my sari and continued walking. The people smiled and nodded as I passed by. I listened to them speak and couldn't detect the language. I'm no language expert, but it sounded like many different languages were spoken here.

I turned the corner and was run over by a girl my age. She groaned and rubbed her arm while I groaned since I hit my head on the path. She shook her head and looked at me. She placed her brown hair behind her shoulder as she spoke to me. I had no idea what the hell she was saying. She repeated it again, probably in a different language.

"No clue what you're saying." I thought she wouldn't know what I was saying. However, she understood me perfectly.

"You're not from here." She stated in English.


"Who are you?" Her voice dropped and she took a step back. "Why are you here?" She conjured up a rapier. Oh, shit. "What do you want?" I gasped when I saw her free hand crackle with electricity.

I noticed the citizens were staring at us. They appeared frightened while looking at me. She's the one with the weapon and shocking hand! When I didn't respond, she tried to slice my head off. I ducked and ran into the crowd. They tried to hold me back, but I pushed against them. I ran into the forest and made so many twists and turns. I lost my footing and toppled over the side of the cliff.

I rolled until I came to the side of a pool. Huh, are those water spirits? I heard the flapping of wings. That doesn't sound friendly. I quickly scrambled up and began running through the sunbathers. They squealed when I jumped over them, but I was trying not to die.

I saw a gap on the ground. I was about to jump over it, but I was suddenly encased in ice. I yelled when my body stiffened. I watched as the same girl from before walked in front of me. How'd she get here so fast? I mean I wasn't using my super speed, but still. She crossed her arms as she assessed me. What's she doing? She's freaking me out. Can she let me go since this is really uncomfortable?

She smirked and melted the ice. Phew! I fell onto the ground and began shivering. My skin had a bluish tint to it. How cold is that thing?!

"Now, answer me." I looked up at her. "Why are you here?" Her eyes narrowed.

"You know you could ask politely." I breathed out. "You're really rude." She rolled her eyes. "Who just begins slashing at someone because they don't answer your question? That may work in America, but in Italy we-"

"So you're from the human realm." She stated instead of asking.

"Duh." I rolled my eyes. "I stumbled upon the entrance and curiosity got the best of me." I smiled.

"How'd you get these clothes?" She motioned to my sari.

"Wasn't that difficult." I shrugged and stood up. "Anyways, you appear upset, what's wrong? Besides being a total creep and chasing me down."

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