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Kai and Finn led me to a guest room to get ready. They waved bye and said their sister would fetch me for dinner. I smiled and thanked them for their hospitality. Finn waved the gratitude away and said he had fun hanging with his future sister in law. Kai smacked him on the head for rushing Acacia and my relationship. Kai then ran away since Finn was trying to hit him. I giggled as the two boys jumped out the window and began sliding down the tree trunk.

I giggled and turned towards the bed. I saw a beautiful green dress spread on the comforter. I walked towards it and allowed my fingers to run across the silk. I remembered that dinner is soon, so I should probably freshen up. I entered the bathroom and saw a beautifully decorated tub. I allowed myself to soak in the soaps and relaxing oils.

I dried myself off and used the lotions. I then dressed in the green dress. I was having a little trouble tying it since it was a corset. As if my thoughts were answered, a knock sounded on my door. I slowly opened it to be greeted by Freja.

"I figured you may have some trouble with the clothing." I sheepishly nodded. "No worries." She smiled and closed the door. "I'll happily help!" Her hands immediately began to undo the knots I created. "Our clothing isn't as flowy and loose as the angels, but I think our clothes are better." She winked.

"Thanks. And I agree that your clothing is more beautiful." I observed myself in the mirror. "Thank you, Freja."

"No worries. Did my brothers thoroughly entertain you?" She smiled and sat on the bed.

"They did, but can I ask you something?" She nodded, so I sat next to her. "They said something about Eris mentioning that Acacia I were like...." I trailed off since I didn't know what to say.

"She did." Freja confirmed. "I also assume they told you what was happening while you were away." I nodded. "That was also true." She sighed. "Draco is more traditional, so he believes Acacia should just marry Jethro since they settled on marriage. He also believes she should be with an elf. Yulia is more conservative in her thought process... like mom." Freja looked down. "She doesn't think that Acacia should be with someone of the same gender. She also believes that it should be her or Draco to inherit the crown. I think she's always been jealous that Jethro chose Acacia's hand over hers."

"And what about you?" She looked up at my question. "What do you think?"

"I just want my sister to be happy." She smiled. "I may not understand it, but I support her." She then stood up. "We must go soon because we wouldn't want to keep my parents waiting." I got up and walked with her to the door. She then stopped and turned to me. "My brothers did mention how the dinner would go, right?" I nodded. "Okay, so they'll try and translate for you."

Freja opened the door to reveal Acacia on the other side. I was blown away by how beautiful and regal she looked in her cultural clothes. Her eyes widened and she appeared lost for words.

"Here's a tip, if you don't want people to figure out how you feel... don't make it so obvious." Freja's comment snapped Acacia and I out of our daze. "Now, let's go before a squadron is sent to find us." She giggled.

Acacia smiled and whispered that I looked beautiful. I smiled and thanked her. We walked behind Freja while subtly stealing glances at the other. When we got closer to the dining room, Freja turned around and told us to not make it obvious since their parents were inside. Acacia straightened up and quickly changed her facial expression. I mimicked her before we entered the room.

I stiffened at seeing Acacia's mother and father. It was obvious they were the rulers based on the ornate crowns decorating their heads. Her parents were both gorgeous. Well, her entire family was hot. Like how can they all be hot?! There should be at least be one average or ugly looking member! Freja subtly coughed. I quickly followed her to the table. I sat down with Freja and Acacia on either side of me. Directly across from me were Kai and Finn. They gave me toothy grins.

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