Acacia POV: 7

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WHO THE FUCK IS KENNEDY AND HOW DOES SHE KNOW MY ZENA?! I realized the other person with Kennedy was Nyx. I sighed when I recognized her. Nyx glared at me while I waved her off.

Kennedy and Zena were busy catching up, which left Nyx and I. We hated each other and I had to endure her taunting me. She, like every other demon, loved to call me a racist because of my family. I could feel my energy draining, so I didn't have any energy to deal with Nyx. Kennedy and Zena had to separate us since we were arguing with each other.

I had Zena give me a piggyback ride since I couldn't walk any farther. I felt the sweat on my forehead and it was encouraging me to blackout. I was close to falling unconscious, but then Kennedy and Nyx mentioned Eris. Eris made my skin boil, so I was ready to pop off on anything that crossed us.

Originally, we tried to sneak past the demons, but our cover was blown. We followed Nyx's lead in attacking the demons that separated us from the bordering realm. I felt exhausted, but I would bear it if it meant I could save Zena. I'd do anything for her. I took a deep breath and conjured up my sword. I used all my energy to make sure Zena was safe.

Unfortunately, I failed and Zena had been hit with an arrow (that had been meant for me). Zena, my love, hopped in front of it and took the hit that was supposed to kill me. I screamed when she dropped. She was part vampire and I knew it was a silver arrow, which was a weakness of hers. Nyx carried the girl through the barrier, leaving Kennedy to drag me across.

Luckily we landed in the light realm, so Kennedy and Nyx flew us to the hospital. I was a nervous wreck and couldn't stop myself from pacing the tiled floors. I blamed myself for Zena's injury. If I wasn't ransacked by sickness then I could've paid better attention and Zena wouldn't have been hurt.

Zena got hurt so that I wouldn't bear any pain. After everything I said and did to her, she still wanted to make sure I was safe. I cried as I thought about how selfless she was. I was so selfish compared to her. I hope she's alright.

Zena emerged into the room, making me launch myself at her. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me. I cried into her since I was so close to losing her. I really love her and can't imagine my life without her. I looked past her and saw that Yugi mouthed for me to see him later. I arched a brow, but nodded.

Roman guided (actually I dragged him) towards the palace. We spoke with Queen Adira (the light angel Queen). She was friendly, especially since I already knew her. She directed her daughter, Kennedy (tots didn't realize she was the light angel princess) and Nyx to show us around.

After we retired to bed, I snuck onto the balcony and waited for Yugi. It didn't take him long until he landed on my balcony. I quirked a brow when he walked into my room, making me trail behind him.

"Sit." He pointed at the bed. I slowly sat down and watched him open up different vials. "You are dying." I sighed and looked down. "Does she know?" I shook my head no. "I'f you don't... you will die, princess." I met his sad eyes. "Why?"

"I don't want to pressure her." I gave him a strained smile. "I love her too much to do that to her." I whispered.

"Well, this will slow down the disease." He had me drink a potion. "Your days are numbered, princess." My eyes widened at his words. "A month max, princess." He touched my neck. "It's more intense since you're both royal." He sighed.

"We're both royal?" Yugi's eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "What do you mean?"

"I spoke too much, but you need to tell her. I'd hate to see you die." He somberly told me.

"I'd rather die and see her happy than live and see her regret." I coughed up black sludge. "Thank you, Yugi." He sadly smiled.

"Spend time with her... because you don't have long left." He placed a hand on my shoulder before walking to my balcony and flying off.

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