Acacia's POV: 10

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"What do you want, Finn?" I coughed.

"Cia! Cia!" I could hear the smile in Finn's voice. "We want to bring you back to the elf realm!"

"Why the fuck would I do that, Finnaird!" I shouted. I smirked, knowing that Finn was probably shaking. "Leave me alone!" I went to hang up, but I heard scuffling over the phone.

"Cia! Cia!"

"What do you want, Kai?" I groaned.

"Come home! We want to make sure you can heal and-"

"Why the fuck would I go to a different realm if I'm trying to not die! Are you two stupid!" Kai began whimpering over the line.

"Oh shit!" Finn shouted.


"Mom and dad know we're here!"

"YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM?!" I screamed.

"We were more concerned with trying to help you. We didn't think this through. Shoot!" Kai said over the phone. "Cia, can you talk to-"


I heard the door open, so I turned around. My breath hitched and I blushed since Zena was smirking at me. I quickly hung up and gave her an embarrassing wave.

"Z! How are you?" I awkwardly laughed.

"Better now that I've seen you." Zena walked to kiss my cheek. "Who was the poor soul that was receiving your wrath?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I was screaming at my brother because he was annoying me." I left out the reason why they really called. "Ya, Finn and Kai snuck into the human realm. My parents are gonna strictly punish them when they return home." I groaned. "And they somehow want me to soften the blow."

"And that's stressing you out?" I nodded and buried my face into her shoulder. I was so, so tired. "Isn't this a little uncomfy since you're so much taller than me?" Zena chuckled and played with my hair.

"I don't care." I mumbled into my neck. Zena fidgeted and started giggling. I pulled back to see a smile on her face. Is she- "Something wrong?" I smirked and tickled her.

"Not fair! This has always been my greatest weakness!" Zena moved back and tripped onto my bed.

"Not my fault for your poor defense system." I laughed and straddled her so I could continue my tickling onslaught. "Say that I'm the best." I cockily demanded.

"You already know that." I stopped and blushed at her. "And you're insanely beautiful."

I looked away, but Zena cupped my face. I could feel myself fade away, so I wanted to give Zena one last kiss. I gently pressed my lips to hers and felt her kiss back. Zena moaned against my lips, causing me to smirk at getting this reaction out of her.

I was caught up in the feeling that I ended up removing her shirt. Zena sat up so I was sitting in her lap. I held her face as I passionately kissed her. Zena's touch along my sides sent ripples of electricity through me. My hand slipped around her back in an effort to remove her bra, but I couldn't work out the strap.

I was also incredibly nervous since I've never done this before. Also, what if I'm not up to her standards?! I don't want her to be disappointed in me. She's slept with Naomi, a succubi. And succubi are known for being amazing in bed. And I'm just me, a virgin who-

"Aqua." Zena pulled back to observe me. "We don't have to do anything else." She smiled. "I'm content with just making out with you." Zena wrapped me in a hug.

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