Question Timeeee

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Heyo, so this will be the first part for questions. There have been a lot of comments and private messages with questions, so I want to answer a few of them. Hopefully, I got all the questions hehe

Zena's physical attributes:

Yeee, so her peers find her incredibly attractive. She is the product of Mila and Lara after all teehee. You never see Z delve on it or comment about her peers unless they explicitly say she's hot. Z has very low self-esteem and isn't confident, so she doesn't view herself as super attractive. She wouldn't describe herself as ugly, but as average.

Z is also VERY oblivious to everything. Also, she doesn't really care what others think except for her mates. She is more focused on Acacia and Naomi's opinions rather than hearing if her peers believe her to be hot.


I didn't write the book to include the other factions competing against each other since Z would probably decline to participate in events like that. Z is all about flying under the radar, so it wouldn't be in her character to participate in competitions to showcase one's abilities.

Acacia's protection detail:

There aren't any guards accompanying Acacia to school since the school is heavily secured. There are a bunch of security constantly surveying the area and protecting the students. The reason the security looks like whimps is because badass Lara made it her mission to embarrass them. They didn't stand a chance haha. Otherwise, they are perfectly capable of providing a safe environment.

Zena's mental companions lol:

She hates to show her destructive nature, so she often suppresses enacting Sloane (the vampire demon) or Kimbra (the wolf beast). Technically her aunts should be training her, but they are busy  trying to find the vamp realm entrance. Z happily allows them to forget since she hates to allow those two to emerge. 

Who are Kimbra and Sloane mated to:

They are mated to both. It's just that the two have personal preferences. Sloane just likes the demonic allure of a succubi while Kimbra values loyalty and views Acacia as honest and deserving of them.

Why the students can't detect Z  as Lara's daughter:

Z is hella powerful and gifted lol She dampens her inner friends to the point they aren't traceable. She uses her magical abilities to do this complicated task. The times that people are able to detect her is because she either lost concentration or that they're so powerful that they can see through the little spell. And no, Acacia's friends do not know. Now, Acacia... she may or may not suspect. All I'll say is she knows that Z isn't just a witch. Acacia's best friend, Tatia, is a vamp who can do magic, so she probs suspects that Z is the same.

Elven customs:

Despite being mates, sex = marriage in the elven culture. It doesn't matter if your are mated to the person or not. If you do the deed then you are tied together for eternity. And if you are already married and then find your mate, you have to reject your mate since marriage is considered sacred to them. So yah... a very strict culture when it comes to marriage lol and they rarely divorce even if both parties hate each other. Acacia believes in tradition, so the bonding would mean the same to her whether she is in the human or elf realm. So Z better control her hormones unless she wants to marry young lol

Eris doesn't care about the strict elven customs. Don't think this is really a spoiler: In the future, she'll directly tell Z that she's more progressive and doesn't prescribe to the belief that sex = marriage. So no, she doesn't consider herself to be married to the people she's slept with. 

How Z knew Nyx was mated to Ken before being introduced to her:

Z knew about Nyx because Ken had been bitching about her "cheating" mate (Eris shapeshifted into Ken and tricked Nyx into having sex with Ken), so Z put two and two together when she saw them in Helveagan. She assumed the woman who would accompany Ken to somewhere so dangerous would be her mate.

Reason why Naomi and Acacia hate each other (other than fighting over Zena):

Acacia is a Grey and High elf. Grey elves (the highest in elven society) generally look down on other species they consider to be below them. Species like demons, humans, and shapeshifters  are regarded as lesser than. They're viewed as uncivilized animals, who bring nothing to the advancement in society. They also view some elves to be below them.

They respect vampires because they believe them to be elegant and high society. They also like witches because they can do magic, like the elves. 

Acacia (and you'll see that some of her siblings think the same) doesn't just blindly view certain species as below her. She sees the inside and has no issue being friends with everybody. Acacia is also kinda rebellious against her family's strict ways, so in a sense... she purposely made herself have progressive views to spite them.

Now, Naomi and her friends can't wrap their heads around Acacia, who comes from a highly racist family, being cool with other species. They think it's all a pretense to make herself look good. As you can imagine, their opinions piss Acacia off since she's actively trying to integrate with everyone. For her, it's disheartening for people to believe she's being disingenuous towards  her friends.

Now ages and heights:

Ken = 5'4 and 18 years old

Nyx = 5'10 and 1370 years old (but looks 22)

Zena = 5'6 and 17 years old

Acacia = 5'11 (elves are tall) and 83 years old (but looks 20)

Eris = 6'0 and 102 years old

Naomi = 5'11 and 124 years old (but looks 20)

Amelia = 5'7 and 43 years old (but looks 25)

Lara = 5'8 and 5000+ (but looks 22)

Vampire Hailey = 5'8 and 5000+ (but looks 22)

I think those are all the questions. If I missed any, don't hesitate to comment and I'll try my best to answer without giving away too many spoilers :)

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