two; a more formal introduction

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"good evening, good evening. hi, how are you?" jocelyn greeted every person who passed, desperately wanting someone to take interest in the painting behind her, which she just so happened to be the artist of.

dozens of people passed her. some would mumble a "hi", others gave a closed mouth smile. she started planning her pity party in her mind as she watched her classmates' art being gushed over by presumable friends and family. she felt as though she stuck out like a sad, lonely, sore thumb as she stood with her hands interlocked and wearing a pale blue dress.

everyone had their place. as people came in, they immediately went and found who they had came for. but from a distance, jocelyn noticed someone as lost as her. she saw the back of someone who was pretending to know what the were doing. they were quickly scanning the art and faces, looking for something familiar.

as he turned around she immediately recognized him as the boy from the coffee shop. his eyes lit up and a smile jumped onto his face when he noticed her. he quickly pushed through a crowd of people, apologizing his way over to jocelyn.

"hey! jocelyn, right?" he looked relieved that she was actually here.

"how do you know my name?" her typical self defense walls flew up.

"um, they called it at the coffee shop. and it was on this-sorry, i had to use one to get in." he pulled the white envelope out of his back pocket and fully extended it forward to her.

"oh, well thank you." they both stood in awkward silence, jocelyn rocking on her heels.

"did you paint this?" he asked rushing to fill the air with words, but also seemingly interested.

"i did," confidence filling her words, "my assignment was to visually represent any emotion."

he looked the canvas of blues up and down very carefully.

"what was your emotion? sadness?" as he said this a small giggle escaped her lips.

"well, kind of. i didn't want to have an emotion as simple as sadness, so i took it more specific. mine is adronitis. its kind of like a frustration when you realize just how long it really takes to get to know someone." she looked down at her feet, feeling a bit embarrassed with how silly her idea sounds.

"well we can skip that." she looked up confused at his statement.


"we'll skip the adronitis. i'm george."

color; georgenotfound ✓Where stories live. Discover now