eight; an insecure confession

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"so, when were you gonna tell me you have a boyfriend?" andrew asked, causing jocelyn to choke on her water.

"what?" she exclaimed.

"andrew, stop. she told you it was her friend." mia said, coming to jocelyn's side.

when andrew first came home to introduce mia to his family six years ago, jocelyn could not have been more overjoyed. well, actually, she was even more overjoyed when he told his sister he would be asking mia to marry him. jocelyn only ever had andrew, and while she loved him and was thankful for him, she always seemed to envy her friends at school who had big sisters. mia was the perfect big sister.

"oh come on. he can't be just your friend. you look like a little love struck puppy every time he speaks." the older brother teased.

jocelyn just rolled her eyes before going to her phone, knowing this is a fight she could not win.

"psst," mia whispered, leaning over to her sister in law. "i think he's pretty cute. ya know, if you were interested in him."

"YOU DID WHAT? i'm getting sapnap on the call right now."

"no!" george exclaimed, slapping his hands over his face. "he's going to make a joke of it and i just want to talk it out with you right now."

"okay, okay, fine. but you really kissed her?" clay questioned, needing more information.

"well, not really. i was giving her a hug and i just kissed the top of her head. its not like i really kissed her."

"i never thought i'd see the day when george starts really simping for someone."

"i'm not!" he let his defenses go up before immediately dropping them. "i don't know actually. i think i like her but its all so confusing and i don't think she likes me back."

george had not said that out loud yet. he had always known that there was a possibility that jocelyn may not like him back. it was a scary possibility, but a possibility. he didn't want to think of the chance that a romantic relationship with him may not even be on her radar. or, even worse, the fact that she may someday friend zone him.

"shut up."

"what?" george was taken back.

"you heard me. i said shut up. there's no way she doesn't like you. you're good looking. you have a great personality. you are hilarious. so stop talking down on yourself." clay told him, adjusting his confidence a bit.

"so what do i do?" clay face palmed, wondering if he would have to tell him everything.

"tell her how you feel," he explained to george. "ask her out. take her on a date. have her come over and hang out. then tell her how you feel."

"are you kidding me?!" andrew shouted.

mia laughed as she threw her arms up in victory after beating the brother-sister-duo, yet again, in mario kart. jocelyn at that moment noticed her phone buzzing. she was wondering who was calling at nearly 1am. it was george.

"i'll be right back in guys." she excused herself from the couple deciding on a rematch.

"hello?" she stepped onto her patio and sat in one of her chairs, immediately pulling her legs in to cross them in her lap.

"hi josie." a peace flooded her whole body at the sound of his voice.

"hi george. what's up?"

"i, um, i just wanted to check in on you. i haven't spoken to you since graduation yesterday."

he mentally cursed himself for stalling.

"that's sweet of you. i'm well. andrew and mia are gonna stay a few more days with me before heading back home. how are you?" she looked out from her patio, just realizing she could see george's apartment from there.

"i'm okay. i'd like to see you, you know, after your family goes. not that i wouldn't want to be around your family- i just don't want to take up your time with them." he let out a sigh after tripping on his words.

"would you like to hang out tomorrow? we were all going to lunch and maybe shopping and mia wanted me to ask you to join us. and i'd also liked for you to join us."

"i would like that."

they both sat in silence. trying their hardest to just listen to the other person's breathing. george had always wanted something like this. all of his friendships felt so loud and busy constantly. he always dreamed that he would one day be in a relationship with someone where they would be content in the silence.

"george?" jocelyn's sweet voice broke the quiet.


"you think you could open your window? i wanna see you." jocelyn immediately felt stupid with her request, especially because she did not hear a response.

before she could beat herself up anymore, she noticed the window across the street slowly opening along with the blinds to reveal her very smiley friend.

"thanks." she exhaled at the comfort of seeing his face.

"anything for you, jocelyn wiley."

she let the silence linger for just a moment. a moment long enough where she could daydream of the possibilities of the two of them.

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