nine; a colorful connection

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"wait, that's actually so insane. you have to teach me how you did that." andrew said marveling at the different coding projects george was explaining that he has completed.

jocelyn couldn't help but feel happy about the bonding the two men were experiencing.

"i'm scared george is gonna take my husband from me," mia joked. "andrew, we probably need to get going before we miss our train."

george watched jocelyn's smile fall. he was worried she would be upset when it was time for them to leave. she was so thrilled being around her family and they made her so happy. george really liked being around them too. despite just spending the afternoon with them, he enjoyed every second of it. he and andrew had a lot in common. both had a passion for all things coding and picked each other's brains on it. he was also very funny, taking advantage of every chance for a joke. and his wife, mia, was just so kind and did all she could to include george in every topic of conversation and get to know him. despite not actually having their baby yet, she had a very motherly instinct to herself.

when they got to the train station, andrew noticed his little sister's sad demeanor. he put an arm around her and pulled her into a hug.

"no need to be upset, we'll be back soon." he affirmed, all jocelyn did was nod.

she went into a hug with her sister in law.

"why don't you come stay with us for a few days when the baby is born?" mia asked. "maybe george could come too? if he can make a move by then."

jocelyn smiled at her teasing. mia was due in just 4 weeks. was it even possible for her and george to have moved that far along by then?

while the girls said goodbye, george went and shook andrew's hand.

"it was really nice to meet you."

"you too, man," andrew said. "hey- don't tell jocelyn i said this, but she really seems to like you. she never gets this way about guys. i'm not sure how you feel but i'm really glad you're in her life. you're good for her."

"thank you," the hide on geroge's face was impossible to hide. "she's good for me."

the locals said goodbye to the visitors as they got onto their train and left. jocelyn was upset. the small taste of family was something she didn't know she needed so bad. she had convinced herself she didn't need family. with her parents' disapproval she figured it to be easier to write off the idea of any family presence.

george glanced over and saw her wiping a tear from under her eye.

"hey." he cupped her cheek with his hand.

she looked up at him and felt something new. she couldn't explain it at first. it felt a bit like home, the safe kind. a bit like family, the good kind. but it mostly felt like green.

yeah, green was a good way to put it.

as an artist, she found so many new meanings for colors. blue wasn't limited to sad, yellow wasn't limited to happy. green was a good way to describe george.

he felt fresh. like an organic joy. he was naturally himself. he was good. the softest shade she could imagine, but still bright. he was lovely. just pleasant. just green.

"jocelyn?" george looked concerned at her.

"i'm sorry- what did you say?" she snapped herself back to reality.

"i asked if you were okay, you dork." he teased, pushing some of her hair back and wiping her cheeks.

"i'm alright, could we maybe hang out at your place for a bit?"

he nodded and led her to his home. he did a very george-like thing and offered her an airpod as he put the other in his ear. he quickly flipped through a playlist he had before selecting a song.

he played a cover of girl crush, sung by harry styles.

as they started their walk, george's mind bounced between andrew thinking his sister liked him and clay telling him he needed to make a move. his thoughts were running a million miles a minute.

and with her per usual perfect timing, jocelyn reached over and grabbed his hand, interrupting his thoughts. despite his joy of the situation, a shocked expression found its home on his face.

"oh, i'm sorry." she said, dropping his hand.

"no," george quickly grabbed her hand back. "you're fine."

his smile reassured her, causing her to calm back down.

"oh my- why won't they leave me alone?" george exhaled his frustration, throwing his phone across the couch in an attempt to ignore the fifth discord notification he had received from his friends.

"you know you can answer them, right?" jocelyn giggled.

"are you sure? i'll be quick. i don't want it to seem like you don't have my attention."

"you're fine. maybe i can say hi?"

george eagerly nodded, finally answering the call.

"GEORGE." an unknown voice screamed, making jocelyn jump a bit.

"hello." george calmly responded.

"will you please tell dream that karlnap is shipped more than dreamnotfound?"

"there is NO way." another voiced interjected.

"not to be biased, but i agree with dream. there is no way its shipped more than dnf." jocelyn giggled at his response.

"is someone with you, george?" a third voice spoke.

"um, yeah," he responded. "guys, this is jocelyn."

"hi." she quietly said, not sure what else to say. 

"she's real?!"

"sapnap! be nice. hi jocelyn, i'm dream. or clay. which ever you like." clay said kindly.

"sorry. its nice to formally meet you jocelyn. i'm sapnap- or nick, i guess. george never shuts up about you, all good things of course." george instantly started blushing at his friend's confession.

"and i'm karl, the only one who didn't know about you i guess. thanks for keeping me filled in guys."

"don't take it personal karl, just know that sapnap and i are his best friends." clay said, causing all of them to go back and forth with teasing each other.

jocelyn grabbed george's phone, looking for the mute button while they all bickered.

"you talk about me?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"its not like that- i mean, i've mentioned you and they know who you are, but it's not like that." george could feel the heat rushing to his cheeks.

"sure thing." she smirked, unmuting the phone and listening back in to the argument of who george's best friend was.

color; georgenotfound ✓Where stories live. Discover now