four; a realization of adronitis

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when george entered his apartment, exhaustion fell over him. he normally would stay up into the late hours of the night, but something about tonight felt different.

where he would normally stay up until well past midnight talking with his friends, tonight he found himself, at only 9pm, wanting to lay down and relive every moment of the night until he fell asleep.

so he did just that.

he couldn't put his finger on it- why jocelyn was consuming his thoughts, that is. she was so graceful. her pale blue dress was burned into his memory, adding more reasoning onto why blue was his favorite color.

also because he was color blind and it was one of the only colors he could see properly, but that wasn't as poetic.

she seemed to bring such a new life to this color that was one of the only constants in his life.

it was no longer a lingering sadness and reminder of his limited visions of all of the colors everyone else were able to enjoy abundantly.

it was now the deep, limitless color of her eyes that were always bouncing around a room, paying attention to the details. it was now her dress that showed the soft and gentle side of the girl with jet black hair who wore doc martens to a fancy art exhibit. it was now her painting. the abstract strokes of every imaginable shade of blue. the adronitis.

man, for a word that he had not known until tonight, it was consuming his every thought.

the frustration of not knowing more. the frustration of how long it was going to take to know more. everything in him wanted to go bang on her door and pour out every question he could every think of in order to know everything about her.

george picked up the small ticket. a ticket that bounced from her hands, to a lonely café table, to his hands, back to hers, and finding its final home back in his, but now with a life changing piece of information: her phone number.

he found himself with a huge grin on his face as he examined the paper.

"jocelyn wiley." he said to himself, as if the words were some hidden secret he had finally found.

he admired how she wrote her name in all lowercase letters, with the exception of her L's being capitalized. she signed it off with a smiled face, but she drew it side ways as if she were typing it out.

george was brought back down to earth and out of his mesmerized trance by his phone buzzing. he was receiving a group call.

"hello?" he answered, sounding confused despite the fact that daily calls were not unfamiliar.

"GEORGE! where have you been? we have been messaging you for the last two hours." his best friend, clay, shouted through the phone, causing george to move it from his face and switch it to speaker phone.

"yeah, we were supposed to record. did you forget?" sapnap added on. sapnap finished off their perfect friend-group-trio.

george quickly got up and started making his way to his desk.

"oh no- i'm so sorry guys, i completely forgot. i am ready now," he said sliding his headphones over his ears. "i just got home and did not notice your messages."

"you were out? what? george actually leaving his house?" clay said, picking fun at the introvert.

"believe it or not, i do sometimes live outside of my four walls."

"what were you up to that was so important you forgot you had to help your best friend make a video so he could continue to make a living?" sapnap fake sniffled.

george hesitated and thought of how he would word this, knowing his friends would insist upon more information if he was too vague or even slightly mentioned a female presence.

"i had went for coffee and noticed an art exhibit. figured i had time to spare and it ended up taking longer. my most sincere apologies. now, what is the video?" george transition the conversation, placing the ticket with jocelyn's contact information at the corner of his monitor.

hello! is this jocelyn?

instant regret.

was it too early? she's a college student, does she have class right now? was it too soon? does he seem desperate messaging her less than 24 hrs after receiving her phone number?

im sorry i think you have the wrong number

oh no. george immediately felt so idiotic. he should have known. she must have just given a fake number to get him to go away. he knew he looked too much into it.

this is jocelyn:-)
im assuming this is george?

wow. that was so mean.
i forgive you tho
this is george:)

jocelyn wiley:)
im sorrryyyy i was just making a funny
how are you today, george?

im really well, and you?

jocelyn wiley:)
good. tired, but good.

george smiled to himself.

a conversation.

it was small, but he want to take advantage of every word of it.

it was at that moment that he decided to kick adronitis' butt.

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