seventeen; a touch of jealousy

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" i don't see them yet," george said, eagerly looking around.

after weeks of trying to plan a meet up, the day had finally come for george to introduce jocelyn to some of his friends. she was so excited to finally meet niki, especially since they had talked so much. on top of meeting her, she would also be meeting tommy, wilbur, and tubbo.

"is that gogy?!" someone yelled, causing the couple to turn around and find the source of the sound.

a group of four familiar faces quickly rushed to them.

"jocelyn!" niki yelled, immediately hugging her friend for the first time.

"everyone, this is jocelyn," george said, proudly introducing his girlfriend.

"hi i'm tubbo." the shortest of the group said.

"i'm tommy, but i'm guessing you already knew that." the blonde said, puffing his chest out.

"and i'm wilbur," the tallest charmed. "it's so nice to finally meet you."

it didn't take long for tommy to pull out his camera and begin vlogging. jocelyn got a bit nervous, mostly because she had not been in front of a camera like that before. george noticed pretty quick and nonchalantly grabbed her hand to attempt and ease her anxiety about it. it ended up not being as bad as she thought, it was mostly just tommy rambling on and on as the group explored london together.

she really liked george's friends. tubbo and tommy's connection was undeniable, and made a bit more sense when someone made a joke about both of them being the only non-adults in the group, which jocelyn did not believe at first due to tommy's height. she clicked most with niki, of course due to the amount of times they had previously spoken, but also wilbur. she was so happy to actually hang out with people.

george was her best friend, but also, her only friend. she never really talked or hung out with anyone else. and while she was so grateful and happy that he was her best friend, she was now really enjoying being with other people.

"jocelyn, please tell the people what you just told us." tommy said after turning the camera on.

"all i said is i've never played minecraft." she threw my hands up in defense.

everyone in the group recreated their shock for the sake of content.

"george is clearly not taking care of his woman." wilbur teased, and while it made jocelyn and the others laugh, george looked just more annoyed.

while the others went back and forth joking, jocelyn leaned in and whispered to george, "are you alright?"

"i'm fine." he shortly responded.

although she could tell he wasn't, she decided that now, in front of all of their friends, was not the correct place to unwrap that. so instead, she just held his hand. hoping that it would help bridge any disconnect that may have been there.

"wait so you're telling me girls don't like it when you just kiss them out of no where? but that's what they do in the movies! i hope you're taking notes on this tubbo." tommy said with all of his dramatics.

"i mean, it has to be with romantic intentions, and you have to actually know them. you're talking about a girl you just met." niki said softly.

"listen here tommy," wilbur started. "don't listen to the girls, what would they know about what ladies like? and don't listen to tubbo, the lad is still just a child. and don't listen to george, he hasn't even shown his own girlfriend minecraft, so what would he know about how to win the ladies? just hang around me and i'll show you everything you need to know."

tommy quickly spun the camera around to point at george and jocelyn, who had a hand over her mouth trying to keep from laughing.

"what do you to say to that gogy?"

in response, george turned to his girlfriend and caught her very off guard by kissing her. george and jocelyn weren't very big PDA people. they were known for holding hands when walking together outside, but also known for making fun of couples who were all over each other, so this caught her by surprise, especially because there was a camera pointed at them.

their friends put on an obnoxious act by yelling and jumping around them, as if they just watched their school friend have his first kiss.

it was all ended by the hostess of the restaurant they were waiting outside of step out and call for "wiley party". tommy put his camera away and they all collected themselves and filed inside.

"we'll be inside in just a moment," jocelyn said, pulling george aside. "what is going on with you?"

"i don't know what you're talking about," he quickly avoided eye contact.

"yes you do. you have been short with me all day, acting weird with everyone, and then kiss me in front of everyone and on camera like nothing is up."

george dropped his head, realizing how stupid he had been. even before having a girlfriend, he had always been a bit jealous of wilbur. he was somewhat of the perfect package when it came to his talent, and looks, and personality. he thought he had put all of that aside but it seemed to resurface when he saw him joking and hitting it off with jocelyn. he took wilbur's natural friendliness as trying to charm her and took it personal very quick.

"i'm sorry, i guess i was just in a mood. let's go inside." he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

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tommyinnitt extra steamy vlog coming this week *not clickbait*

wilbursoot they aren't ready for this one tom
jowiley i hope you dont share the uncensored version
georgenotfound JNF CONTENT?!1?2

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