sixteen; a change of plans

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a/n: ahhh almost 200 reads!!! what!!! thank you all so much! reminder to please vote on chapters so this book can reach as many people as possible! thank you for finding interest in my book:))

george was not a sentimental person, especially when it came to dates. he wouldn't admit it, but he would forget his own mother's birthday every year if it wasn't for the reminder he had set. he probably wouldn't remember when he started his own youtube channel if it wasn't for fans letting him know on when the anniversary came around on twitter. he was determined to change this side of his self when it came to wanting to celebrate a month of him and jocelyn being official.

jocelyn made him so happy, and this past month had been one of the best months of his life. she always made sure to go out of her way for him, with big things and little things. like one night, he was streaming and was just chatting, and he happened to mention he was craving some sort of sweet. well, jocelyn just so happened to have his stream playing in the background, and ended up running over a pint of ice cream to him at his apartment. or when a week ago george wasn't feeling good, and she kept insisting he visit the doctor. keep in mind, george hating going to the doctor. so jocelyn went with him, to make sure he followed through to get help.

george strived to be even half as thoughtful as she was. he thought a good way to show his appreciation was to plan something special to celebrate a month of her being his girlfriend. he had spent the last week, asking for advice from his dream and sapnap, before quickly realizing they were no help and moving on to wilbur and niki for help. he had never been the romantic type, and was really struggling when it came to trying to plan something this elaborate.

he had messaged his girlfriend earlier that morning, letting her know their date would be a surprise. she would get no clue as to what they would be doing. but knowing that one of jocelyn's irrational fears was being dressed inappropriately for events, he arranged for niki to call her and help her pick her outfit.

"he won't be mad at you, you just need to call him and let him know." niki said through the facetime call.

"but i know he's put so much time and thought into this. i'll be fine. i don't want to cancel." jocelyn sniffled.

jocelyn never got sick. ever since she was little she never caught the flu or even the common cold. she was always naturally healthy. she could count on her fingers the amount of times she had ever gotten sick, and, as if the universe was out to get her, today was one of those times.

she woke up to two things, a text from george about a surprise-month-anniversary-date, and a head cold.

"you sound awful." niki pitched.

"gee thanks," jocelyn responded, not wanting to hear that. "i'll just run to the drug store and get some cold medicine and-"

before she could finish her thought, a rhythmic knock sounded from her door, a pattern george always did when he came over.

"oh no, he's here. niki i've got to go."

"you better reschedule-" jocelyn hung up before her friend's sentence ended.

she quickly brushed her hair down with her hands and ran to open the door.

"hey!" in her attempt to answer with an enthusiastic greeting, she turned and had a fit of coughing.

"are you sick?" george said, concerned.

"what? no i'm feeling perfectly fine." before she could sell her lie, george raised his hand to feel her forehead.

"jocelyn, you are burning up. come sit down." he walked in and grabbed her hand to lead her to the couch.

"i'm okay i promise. i don't want to mess up your plans for today."

"you don't feel well. we aren't gonna go out," jocelyn's expression immediately fell at his words.

"lucky for you, my date can take place right here. i'll be right back."

george soon returned, arms filled right a picnic basket and a few grocery bags. he instructed her to stay on the couch while he made his planned set up. he moved her coffee table aside, to make room for a blanket he spread across the floor. he then unloaded the picnic basket, pulling out sandwiches, fruit, and two cupcakes. after he was pleased with the layout of the food, he pulled out two small easels, placing a canvas on each.

"come here," he said gently, grabbing his girlfriends hand.

she sat on the ground next to him, admiring the thoughtfulness of his little date he planned. reaching back into his basket, he made both of them a plate. he then decided background music was appropriate, playing wasteland, baby! by hozier.

"this is so sweet," jocelyn gushed.

"a lot of it was wilbur and niki's ideas. but i'm glad you like it." george scooted a small bag of paints and brushes to her.

"what are we doing with these?" she asked, motioning to the paints and canvases.

"so i was thinking," he sat up a bit straighter, preparing to share really his only original idea for the date. "we both make a picture, and give them to each other to keep when we are done."

"i think i overestimated my artistic abilities," george laughed.

"stop, i'm sure it looks amazing and that i'll love it." jocelyn reassured him.

george was struggling. he knew he couldn't draw concrete objects to save his life, so he went with a bit
more of an abstract approach. he used an array of neutral colors, and soft pink shades, wanting it to match the colors of her apartment. he randomly spread arches and circles over the white canvas.

"and, i think i'm done." he said, not wanting to keep going in fear that it would end up looking bad, he was content with it at that moment.

"i'm almost done." she said, returning to humming the song that was playing, which was arms by the paper kites.

"done." she sang, picking up her canvas and preparing to hand it over.

they both swapped their painting at the same moment. jocelyn's painting for george was covered in the same color, but different shades, with a simple line drawing of two hands holding each other.

"this is so good george!" a huge smile appeared on her face, she instantly started holding it in the air, trying to imagine in on different spots of the walls.

"i love mine," he responded, looking at the artwork he received. "is it, yellow?"

"it's all greens," she held back a giggle, remembering that her boyfriend was colorblind. "green reminds me of you."

he couldn't help but smile, being overjoyed by the fact that she associated him with things in that way.


"yes?" her eyebrows scrunched, confused.

"green," he started "will you describe it to me?"

"it's fresh, and relieving. pure and contagious."

"that's how you would describe me?"

"i'd say so." she smiled.

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