fourteen; a difficult time difference

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"hey guys, we're gonna wait on more people to show up then we'll start." sapnap said over his twitch waiting screen, before muting himself.

george had been in florida for two days and they hadn't told any of the fans yet because they mostly just wanted to enjoy their time. george was so happy. clay and nick were his best friends and it always seemed like an unrealistic idea to be able to meet them, but it finally happened.

"hi everyone," sapnap turned on his camera, reading through chat. "we're just doing a chatting stream today guys. i don't think any games. maybe a little bit of minecraft later. but i do have a surprise."

from out of frame, dream stuck out his arm to wave hi.

"hey everyone! i'm here." he announced, causing the chat to explode with responses.

"call george," dream read from the chat. "alright, george! come here!"

sapnap scooted his chair over, allowing george to pull in another chair and sit next to him in the camera frame.

"hi guys," george laughed, struggling to even attempt and read chat. "yes, i am actually here."

the three sat and did a makeshift q&a of sorts through questions accompanied with donations, having to filter through the weird ones.

"sapnap, dream, whats it like now that george is in a relationship?" popped up on the screen.

"it sucks, george hasn't cuddled with me once. i don't even know why he's here." sapnap sighed.

"on a more serious note," dream laughed. "its cool. jocelyn is super cool. we've talked with her a lot. i know you guys haven't really met her yet but i'm sure you all will love her."

"george question! will we see jocelyn in any videos or streams?"

"i'm sure at some point. we have talked about it but she isn't sure if she's quite ready for that yet. she's already joined me in a few streams, you all just haven't known she's been there. she doesn't know how to feel about being in front of the camera yet."

jocelyn wiley:)
why won't you cuddle with poor sapnap:(

george davidson :]
you watching?

jocelyn wiley:)
its the best i can do to make up for you not being here

"george." dream said, snapping his fingers.

"sorry, i wasn't listening."

"they want to know if you plan on moving here."

"oh," george quickly tried to form his answer. "well, i would love to. of course i want to be closer to these guys, i've only been here two days and it's already been a blast. i just have a lot of things at home i would need to work out before i could fully move here. that could be a while, but that doesn't mean i won't be visiting more often in the mean time."

jocelyn wiley:)
*makes me your girlfriend and then moves to florida*

george smiled at his phone, before putting it away to pay attention to the questions coming in.

jocelyn laid in bed with her laptop open next to her, playing the stream. she had gotten home from her brother's that morning and was happy to stay up a bit later than normal to watch their live stream, seeing as the time difference had been a bit rough on communicating. it made her laugh, the way that george was able to bounce off of clay and nick with jokes effortlessly. he was really in his element with them. she was so happy he was finally meeting his best friends, but that didn't change the fact that she missed him.

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liked by nihaachuu and 38,410 others.
jowiley when he'd rather spend his time with minecraft youtubers /j
(miss you georgie)

nihaachuu permission to come keep you company?
badboyhalo_ easy fix: become a minecraft youtuber
random 1 so youre gonna post and not join the stream??

"awww look what jocelyn just posted." jocelyn heard dream say over the stream playing in the background.

"i'm gonna call her." sapnap said.

she immediately looked down to see an incoming call from him.

"hello?" she answered. she saw a smile appear on george's face when she answered.

"hi jocelyn! you're live on stream." dream said.

"i know, i've been watching you guys." she said cheerily.

she joined them for just a bit, even answering a few questions herself before dismissing herself to leave, needing to get some sleep.

"i'll talk to you all later, goodnight."

"goodnight!" dream and sapnap said in unison.

"goodnight josie." george said sweetly.

"wow what a simp." dream teased.

"how?!" george yelled.

jocelyn shut her laptop, not hearing the rest of the argument.

it had been pretty hard on her. after george left, the rest of the time at her brother's was filled with weird artificial interactions with her parents. on top of that, she couldn't get george off of her mind. she desperately wanted him to be with her. and if it wasn't hard enough not having him in glasgow with her, the solo train ride home and coming back to a london without him was the nail in the coffin. counting down the days wasn't enough, so she was counting down the hours for him to be home. but she didn't let him know that. she wanted him to enjoy every second of his trip, knowing that he had been looking forward to it for years.

to keep herself from thinking too much about it and getting upset, she decided it was best to get some sleep. after she had already dozed off, george sent a text message to her silenced phone.

george davidson:]
hi jocelyn. just wanted to thank you for being so patient with me the last few days. i know its been difficult with the time zones and us being busy but you have been so awesome with it all
i miss you

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