an epilogue

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"they're almost here!" george said, extremely giddy.

he continued to refresh the contact tracking he had on his phone.

"would you come hold him for a moment? i need to change." jocelyn asked, groaning a bit, still sore from her c section delivery.

george eagerly ran over. he had convinced himself in the last 9 days that he would never get tired holding his and jocelyn's child.

"come here, little man," he said, picking up the tiny baby before extending his arm to help his wife up. he had been so attentive to her needs since the moment she found out she was pregnant, and it only heightened when they were told at the hospital that an emergency c section would be necessary.

once he assured jocelyn was good, he went back to the nursery where he sat in the rocking chair with his son in his arms. he quietly hummed, wondering how parents ever stop staring at their babies. his finger traced down the child's nose, which looked just like his. at that moment, the little boy did a slow blink, showing off his deep blue eyes that were exactly like his mother's.

"uncle george?" the 6 year old leaned in the doorway.

"yeah, pj?" george asked, using the nickname he always called poppy.

"mommy wanted me to make sure you didn't need anything before we left. we're going to a science museum!"

andrew and mia brought poppy and decided to stay a few days after jocelyn gave birth. at first, george told them they didn't need to go out of their way and that it wasn't necessary, but he was happy they insisted. mia was definitely helpful when they were finally back home for the first night. they could not get their newborn to stop crying, and after trying everything in the book, mia came over after a phone call to flip on a noise machine which caused the baby to go right to sleep.

"i'm good. have lots of fun, okay?" poppy bounced out of the room, leaving george to go back to staring in amazement at what he and jocelyn had created.

after being married for 3 years, they decided that it wasn't fulfilling enough to just play the role of cool aunt and uncle. they wanted their family to be more of a family. they decided then that they wanted a child of their own. they began trying to conceive, which proved to be a harder task than they first presumed. they kept their circle of people who knew very small, because it was hard. they spent two years jumping between doctors and having failed test after test. when jocelyn finally gave george a positive test for father's day, every negative test suddenly felt worth it.

"i think they're here, georgie." jocelyn said, watching her husband rocking their son. he had been so consumed with looking at him, he hadn't heard the knock on the door or jocelyn letting in the guests.

she grabbed their son, knowing george wanted to run and greet his friends.

"dream! sapnap!" he yelled, immediately hugging his friends that stood in his living room.

"hey dude," sapnap said, trying to glance over his shoulder to try and sneak a peak at the youngest in the room.

"do you guys wanna meet him?" george asked.

"that's kinda why we're here," dream laughed, trying to keep his voice down.

jocelyn came over and leaned the sleeping baby in her arms so the guys could see his face.

"this is quincy," jocelyn said, introducing her son to his honorary uncles for the first time.

quincy spent the rest of the day hanging out with his uncle dream and uncle sapnap, and once they felt confident enough, they held him. dream kept making jokes about how crazy they looked together, with his tall demeanor and lanky arms holding such a small person and sapnap continued to personally apologize to quincy when a curse word would accidentally slip.

the two americans dismissed themselves to go check into their hotel room around 9 o'clock that evening, leaving george and jocelyn to have some alone time in their home.

"he's down," jocelyn said, exhausted after making sure quincy was asleep.

george grabbed her hand and patted his chest, asking her to come lay on him. this was really their first solo moment since quincy had been born. even though all her body wanted to do was sleep, jocelyn forced herself to stay up and take advantage of this time with george.

jocelyn finger delicately traced different shapes on his stomach, as she carefully listened to his heart beat.

"i think we're doing good." she said quietly.

the last few months were filled with so much fear from both of them that they wouldn't be good parents.

"we are." george assured.

he quietly hummed a song, enjoying this simple moment. he stared at the ceiling of their bedroom. when they moved into this home, george begged jocelyn to paint a mural on the ceiling. when she agreed she covered it in flowers that were all different shades of blues and greens.

blue like jocelyn.

green like george.

"i love you, jocelyn wiley."

"i love you, george davidson."

a/n: and its done :)

im so sad to be done with their story, but so happy to have brought it to completion!

as i'm publishing this chapter, this book has 400 reads which is something i would have never expected.

thank you all so much for reading and if you did enjoy, feel free to check out my karl fic i have started writing!

i love you all:,)

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