nineteen; a joined household

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6 months.

6 months of absolutely pure bliss.

6 months of george dating who he only could assume was his soulmate.

don't get it wrong, he and jocelyn did have their little slip ups of disputes, but they decided early on that they would never let disagreements become arguments.

every day she gave him a new reason to fall in love. last week it was how she would go around flipping off light switches of every room george was not currently occupying in his home. the other day it was when they were out at the shops and she overheard a mother telling their daughter that the money wasn't there for them to buy her a new hair barrette, so jocelyn took it upon herself to go buy it and give it to the girl. that morning, it was the high pitched squeal she let put when she didn't know george was in a room and it scared her.

they also decided to take a step in their relationship: moving in together. if jocelyn wasn't at george's house, he was at hers. it really only made sense with the direction they were wanting to go. they had spent the last few days slowly moving her items to his flat. today was their last "moving" day, and jocelyn was tackling it alone since all she had left were a few random sporadic items here and there.

"i can canceled today, you know? i don't mind so i can help you with the last of your things." george offered, feeling bad that he had plans on the final day of her transitioning her items to what would now be their home. the thought of it now being theirs made him overjoyed every time he thought of it.

"no, i'll be fine. you're going to have fun today." jocelyn reassured.

george had plans with both tommy and wilbur to go to a water park for a vlog tommy was making. george was a bit worried about what tommy had planned, however, because he kept making him swear he wouldn't tell wilbur where they were going.

"alright, well if you need me at all give me a call. i'll be back in a few hours. i love you." he said, a bit sad to be leaving her, before giving her a part kiss.

"love you too." she smiled.

so, jocelyn may have overestimated her strength just a bit. when attempting to move some of her heavier items, she quickly realized her strength alone would not be enough, so she had to change her course of action. she decided to only move the items that she could, and have george help her with the rest when he got home.

once she moved everything she could, she went back to george's home- well, their home, and began unpacking.

it was so surreal to jocelyn. it all almost seemed too good to be true. jocelyn never had many serious love interests through her life, in fact, george was her first serious boyfriend. a part of her worried, as she was wrapping up school, that she would never find someone and settle down. that fear hadn't even crossed her mind since meeting george. she knew she wanted him to be her forever.

to pass the time in waiting on george to get home, jocelyn decided to play a bit of geoguessr on his computer. after a few short minutes of playing, a little chime started going off and she quickly identified it as coming from discord. it was a call coming from dream and sapnap. out of boredom, she answered.

"HE ANSWERED!" sapnap yelled.

"um, actually no. it's just me. george isn't home." she replied.

"oh, hey jocelyn!" dream answered. "we were actually calling to see how you moving was going."

"he told you guys about me moving in?"

"are you kidding? he hasn't shut up about it. he's been so excited." sapnap overshared, per usual.

jocelyn was thankful the camera was off so the boys couldn't see her blushing. although she knew that he was excited about her moving in, mostly due to him getting giddy and jumping when she told him yes, something about knowing he shared his excitement with his friends made it even more sweet.

"so, what are you guys up to?"

george was completely exhausted, to say the least, after shooting with tommy and wilbur. he had such a fun time, but had the bruises to prove that he wasn't very good at the water obstacle course. all he really wanted to do at that moment was sleep, and he was already coming up with the script in his head to convince jocelyn to take a nap with him.

before he even unlocked the front door, he could hear jocelyn's laughter erupting. he was very careful to enter quietly, not wanting to disrupt whatever was happening.

"stop killing me! this is only my second time playing!" jocelyn shouted in between giggles.

he peaked into his room and saw she was sitting at his desk playing minecraft. dream and sapnap's characters were on the screen.

george knocked on the bedroom door to let her know he was home.

"hey georgie!" she turned to smile at him as he leaned down behind her to kiss her cheek.

"hi josie. hi guys." he grabbed the headphones as jocelyn offered them.

"hey mamas." sapnap energetically said.

"you sound exhausted." dream noticed.

"wow thanks. hello to you as well."

the two americans went back to whatever conversation they were having before george entered. george went ahead and muted himself to speak with jocelyn.

"how would you feel about taking a nap with your boyfriend who you love so so very much?"

she laughed at the fact he thought he needed to plead with her.

"sure thing," she reached over to unmute herself. "i'm gonna go ahead and get off. thanks for playing with me guys."

"anytime! bye jocelyn!" dream said.

"buh-bye jocelyn! bye gogy!" sapnap added.

george reached over and closed out of discord and minecraft, and quickly closed out of the internet tabs he had open. he grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed with him, hoping she didn't see the tab he had open where he was looking at engagement rings.

a/n: sooo i'm thinking this next chapter is gonna be the last one for this book(i am planning an epilogue as well!). it makes me sad to end it but i also don't want to drag it on and on. this book has been my first time writing in this fashion in about 4 years and i have been so happy to be back at it! i have a new karl jacobs book i just started that i would love for you guys to check out. i am so appreciative of every read, vote, and comment i get. i just love this community so much :))

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