eleven; an unexpected call and getting called out

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a/n: hi i haven't done any of these in this book but wanted to say a big thank you for 100 reads. it may seem small but i haven't written in about 4 years and was nervous to return but i've been so happy doing so:-)

"i'm sorry but there is no way this is humanly possible." george threw his arms up in defeat.

"you can't get frustrated with it if you want to learn. here, watch me again." jocelyn lifted her hands above her head and began dutch braiding her hair for the third time.

george had watched her do it earlier, just simply to move her hair out of her face while she was taking on a new clay sculpture, but he was so interested in how quickly she did it that he wanted to learn.

"why don't we try another time? and i'll get you some sort of tutorial video to follow?"

"fine." he huffed.

he had his phone connected to jocelyn's speaker which sat on the kitchen island, and he quickly searched for another song as he heard the current ending. he started playing angela, by the lumineers, before returning to scrolling through twitter.

this was how a lot of their time recently has been spent. ever since the night that george kissed jocelyn, things have just been, well, sweet.

while they have gone out to eat or get coffee, most of their time has been split between their two apartments. they enjoyed the presence of each other while george streams or while jocelyn takes on new art projects.

"have you found a date that works yet?" jocelyn asked.

"yes, i can't believe i hadn't told you yet. i'll leave out this sunday and will be back a week from then."

george had been trying for so long to go and visit his american friends, clay and nick of course. something always got in the way or fell through when they tried, but things finally lined up perfectly. he would leave in just 3 days, and while he was elated to meet his best friends of many years, part of him was sad he would have to spend a week without jocelyn.

"i wish you could come with." he admitted.

"i do too, but i'm glad you are getting to see them. it will be so fun." she said, smiling at him. letting him know it would be okay.

at that moment, jocelyn's phone began buzzing on the counter.

"would you come answer that? my hands are a bit messy." george nodded in response before answering and pressing the speaker phone button.

"jocelyn?!" andrew yelled before she could even respond.

"andrew? whats wrong?" a bit of panic was found in her voice. she looked up and noticed george was concerned as well.

"mia's water broke. we're on our way to the hospital."

"are you sure its okay if i come?" george said, reentering jocelyn's apartment. he had run to his home to pack a bag, and in the time that it took him, jocelyn was still struggling to get all of her things together. she looked so stressed.

"of course. mia had told me to bring you with me when the time came. ugh, where is my charger?" she frantically threw some shirts off of her bed.

"its in your hand josie," george responded, grabbing her hand to get her attention. "what's wrong? why are you so stressed? you've been looking forward to this."

"because my parents will be there. the last time i physically saw them was christmas of my first year of uni and it ended with a fight. i'm just nervous." she said stuffing the last few necessities into her bag.

george pressed his index finger to the center of her eyebrows, where a wrinkle was forming from the worry, causing him to giggle. jocelyn let out an exhale and let her shoulders fall, realizing she was letting the stress consume her.

"it'll be okay. you've been looking forward to this and they can't change that," he carefully planted a kiss on her cheek. "besides, i've always been a parents charmer so no need to worry."

george and jocelyn got the first train they could to glasgow, but seeing as how far it was, they wouldn't be arriving until nearly midnight. george somehow convinced her in her excitement and panic to try and sleep a few hours, which she agreed to. he sadly couldn't do the same due to how messed up his sleep schedule had been, so he spent his time on twitter and messaging his friends.

@/ random 1
okay okay OKAY so not to panic anyone but i just saw @/georgenotfound at the station with this girl. WHO IS SHE

reply to @/ random 1         @/ random 2           is this real?

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reply to @/ random 1
@/ random 2
is this real?

reply to @/ random 1
@/ random 3
who's gonna tell dream?

reply to @/ random 1
@/ tommyaltinnit

"oh no" george muttered to himself. he immediately took a screenshot and just before he could send it to his friends, sapnap sent the same screenshot.

umm are you guys seeing this?

sadly yes
i was hoping i could keep her away from all of that just a bit longer

so do you make your girlfriend announcement now or?

she isn't my girlfriend yet

youre kidding me
dream you better talk some sense into him
because im about to call her and ask her out myself

shut up
i havent found the right time yet thats all

thats a dumb excuse.
new rule: you cant come to florida if youre single.

george locked his phone, a bit frustrated with his situation. but then he looked at the sleeping girl on his shoulder. as annoying as his friends were, they were right.

he needed to make jocelyn his girlfriend.

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