eighteen; an essential revelation

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"do you think this could be sweden?" george squinted at his screen before looking at chat for confirmation.

jocelyn entered the room, stepping out of view of the camera and placing a bottle of water onto his desk.

"thank you," george smiled up at her.

"that's definitely finland." jocelyn offered. even though she didn't play any video games, she had a massive addiction to geogeussr.

hesitant, he labeled it at finland and the screen alerted him that it was correct. in his victory, he glanced at the chat.

random1 have Jocelyn stay!
random2 JOCELYN

"they want you to hang with us." he turned to her, clasping his hands together as if he were pleading with her.

"i don't know," she dragged out, causing him to stick his bottom lip out. "okay fine."

"yes! we got her chat!" he stood up, offering his chair to her and going to grab another for himself.

this was the first time she had ever sat in front of the camera on one of his streams. she always liked sitting to the side and watching, but it was never known by the viewers that she was even there.

"so here is what we are going to do," george returned and sat down and placed his headphones on her ears. "we are going to get on the dream smp and you'll make your own house and i will answer donos."

jocelyn just nodded, a bit nervous because she didn't even know the basic controls.

after george gave her a simple tutorial, she caught on pretty easy. with the help of dream and niki popping on to give her materials, and callahan helping her with the actual building, she was able to start making progress on a house fairly quickly.

"thank you jocelynnotfound for the $20. they asked what you do as a job." george read and looked to jocelyn to answer.

"i'm an artist. i graduated a few months ago with my degree in visual art and i sell my pieces in art auctions. i mostly do paintings but i really enjoy pottery and making things like mugs and i have been looking into making an online business to sell those. but until that can fully sustain me i do social media revitalization to get business off the ground as far as their networks go." she answered very nonchalantly, but the chat seemed very impressed, encouraging the online business so they could support it.

"tyra asks 'who loves george more? dream or jocelyn?' what do you think? dream loves me a wholeee lot." george wiggles his eyebrows to tease her.

"you're such an idiot." jocelyn laughed, trying to ignore the fact that she could feel her face getting hot.

neither jocelyn or george had admitted to feeling the L-word yet. there had been a few times that jocelyn had to stop herself from almost letting it slip, in an enduring way. she wasn't sure if she had really meant it, and if she did, she did not know if he felt the same way.

i think we are done, callahan typed in game. she walked george's character backwards to fully admire their build.

"what do we think chat? not to shabby for my first time." jocelyn said, crossing her arms and taking pride in the house.

"i think we may go ahead and get off. thank you all for the donos and for hanging out and i hope you all have a great rest of your day. bye everyone!" george waved really big.

"bye!" jocelyn shouted.

"thank you, i've had a lot of people asking you to stream with me," george said as he logged out of minecraft and close his open tabs. "that was fun."

"mhm." jocelyn hummed before letting out a yawn.

"come here." he grabbed her hand and pulled her over to sit on his lap.

she instinctively tucked in her legs and rested her head on his chest. she hadn't realized until the stream ended that it was so late at night, and her sleepiness was just now hitting her.

"i'm sorry for joking about the who loves me more dono." he said, running a hand through her hair, making her more tired.

"why are you apologizing?"

"i don't know. just didn't know if it was weird because we haven't said- ya know." he cringed that he was so nervous say it.

he could feel jocelyn let out an exhale, but he didn't know she was trying to build up courage.


"yeah, josie?"

she raised her head to look at him. her blue eyes met his brown. his hand that was in her hair now sat on her cheek, with his thumb moving in the most delicate little figure eights. this moment was so perfect and precious to her. she began to worry that what she had to say may ruin their perfect little moment they had going on.

"just say it." george said, knowing exactly what she wanted to say. he wanted to hear it so bad.

"i love you, george." while it had never been more difficult for her to say something in her whole life, nothing has ever sounded so natural coming from her.

"i love you, jocelyn." george replied, not just to say it back, but because he truly did love her.

"so much." he whispered, pressing his forehead to hers.

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