ten; a shared moment of intimacy

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george laid back in his bed, completely and utterly exhausted. he had just ended a stream with quackity that he wasn't expecting to go long, and ended up going 4 hours. needless to say, he was ready to fall asleep.

just as he got under the covers and turned on his side, his phone began buzzing. the only people that ever called him this late were his friends wanting to play games or talk. he groaned, preparing a dialogue where he would tell them he was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

incoming call: jocelyn wiley:)

"jocelyn? you okay?" he answered confused. she wasn't normally up this late, much less calling him at a time like this.

"not really." she whispered, a sniffled escaping behind her words.

"i'll be over in just a minute. make sure your door is unlocked."

when george got to jocelyn's apartment, he did a quick courtesy knock before letting himself in. after he didn't see her in her kitchen, he noticed her cat, june bug, slinking out of the cracked door to her bedroom. he picked up the cat before slowly entering the room.

jocelyn was laying on the bed, wrapped in a blanket. she didn't bother to look up when george came in. she continued to just quietly sniffle.

"josie?" he placed the cat on the bed before sitting beside her and instinctively rubbing her back. "what's going on?"

even though she was obviously upset, jocelyn was holding herself together, but she didn't want to anymore. she turned and scooted closer to her friend before laying her head on his chest and letting out a cry. he quickly adjusted himself to hold her tighter while combing through her hair, quietly letting out a "shh."

he could tell she didn't want to talk, so he didn't push her. she just wanted him to comfort her at that moment. george wanted to protect her. he hated the idea that anyone had hurt her. it honestly broke his heart.

jocelyn looked up after a bit and pointed to her phone on her bedside table, which george then handed to her. she opened an app and flipped through some messages before passing it to him to read.

hey, i just wanted to update you on some things. i finally graduated. i sent you guys an invite but i wasn't sure if it made it. i've applied a few places and have heard back from a few. andrew and mia also visited. it was so nice seeing them and they even stayed for a while and mentioned that i could come stay with them after the baby is born. i miss you guys

thank you for letting us know.
my law firm is hiring secretary positions currently.

um no im okay. like i said ive already applied a few places.
and they are all pertaining to art so i can actually put my degree to use but thanks

jocelyn, you aren't a child anymore. nothing "pertaining to art" will give you a livable wage. i shouldn't have to continue telling you this.
andrew made adult decisions and look at where he is now.
i just wish i could understand you sometimes.
the decisions you make are not representative of how your father and i raised you.

"jocelyn." george said with a sadden voice as he locked her phone.

"i just want the tiniest amount of support from her," she finally spoke up. "this is all i've heard for the past four years. i don't want to believe it but it's starting to feel true."

she immediately dropped her head into her hands. george held her tighter and cupped her cheek with his hand.

"jocelyn, look at me," she glanced up at him, blinking tears out of her eyes. "you are so talented. no one gets the right to tell you otherwise. seriously, no one is as uniquely talented as you or as passionate about what they love. you're gonna do so many amazing things with your art that no one can even comprehend now. your mum hasn't seen all you have accomplished in the last few years so don't let her opinion hold any weight."

jocelyn knew he was right, well she told herself he was. she knew he wouldn't lie to her. the way he looked at her was confirmation that he would take care of her. it told her she was safe with him. she didn't know how to respond, and she didn't want to. not with words anyway.

george felt his heart start to beat a bit faster. he began to worry if she could feel the heat coming from his cheeks due to how close their faces were at that moment. he glanced down at her lips and immediately back to her eyes, looking for permission. she gave the most subtle nod in return.

he leaned in so slow, wanting to take in every last second before this moment of no return. their relationship wouldn't be allowed to stay the same after this. but he was okay with that. he was ready for more. so he did it.

george ever so carefully pressed his lips to jocelyn's. they were as soft as they looked. they tasted like her vanilla bean chapstick he always saw her applying. he felt a small, sweet smile form against his lips. he pulled away just to see jocelyn grinning like a child.

"i've wanted to do that for so long now." he admitted, letting a smile take over his own face.

"me too." she whispered, laying her head on his chest.

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