five; an internet deep dive

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the next three weeks and 4 days were very blissful to jocelyn wiley.

as she explained more and more of herself to george davidson, she found out more about him.

(they also began a habit of calling each other by their full names)

when she told him that she could only ever drink her coffee purely black, he told her that he had a secret talent of juggling. after telling her that he was left handed, she let him know that she has a cat named junebug, which she more commonly referred to as june.

she loved soaking in all of the small tiny details that made george, george.

but she also loved the bigger details.

with them meeting right before the last month before graduation, her schedule didn't allow much personal time. so she carefully listened during their late night phone calls where he talked about his family, friends, and career.

jocelyn had never met anyone who made youtube videos and did streaming. he was a bit hesitant at first to tell her, merely saying he was a coder, which wasn't a lie. but it wasn't the whole truth. he came clean pretty quick and was nervous for her response, but of course she thought it was the neatest thing ever. she immediately did her internet research and was shocked by how big his following really was.

she watched a few compilations and highlight videos to get an idea for what he was like online. she found herself spending the next few hours watching his videos.

"wait, stop," jocelyn struggled to catch her breath between laughs. "they seriously ship you and clay together?"

"yes! its pretty fun to mess with the fans about it." george responding, giggling at her amusement.

"i do have a question," he said, trying to bring in a calmer tone to the conversation.

"ask away." jocelyn adjusted her airpods while staring at the clay sculpture in front of her that still needed painting before it was ready to be turned in.

"when can i see you? i know you are stretched on time with final assignments, but i think you deserve a break. every time we talk you seem more and more stressed and constantly working. i want to be able to separate you from your work, even if it's just for an hour. i think it would help you. also i haven't physically seen you since your exhibit." george rambled, hoping not to sound too desperate. and that last part was a lie. ever since he found out when she leaves for class and when she comes back he has sat by his window, waiting to watch her walk by.

"okay." jocelyn surrenderer, putting up her art supplies. "but i can really only spare an hour."

"perfect. i'll text you my apartment number." she could practically hear the grin on his face.

to say jocelyn was nervous would be an understatement. its been 3 weeks since she had seen george. they had talked practically every day since then, but they only have about an hour of in person time under their belts.

she stood in front of her closet, not knowing what to wear. jocelyn had never been one to care what other's think. not when her peers in grade school bullied her. not when her parents made comments about her career choices. but george was different.

now when she did anything her first thought was "what would george think about this?"

he was consuming her every thought. someone who she had known less than a month. she could not figure out what about him had her acting like this.

she snapped out of her thoughts when her phone alerted her she had a message. it was george letting her know where to find his apartment in the complex. she quickly gave up and decided to go in her tank top and jeans and grabbed a hoodie to top it.

the short walk was in reality just a five minute walk across the street and into a building, but it felt as though she was marching to meet the queen, herself. she kept rereading the message on her phone, making sure she did not miss his door.

"210, 210, 210," she mumbled looking at all of the doors, until she finally found the one she was looking for. she mustered up enough courage to knock.

"hi jocelyn wiley." george answered with a smile from ear to ear.

"hello george davidson," she followed as he moved out of the way for her to come in. "i like that shirt. its a good color on you."

he pulled at the bottom corners of his t shirt, glancing down he said "thanks. blue is my favorite color."

when she stepped in she was greeted by music playing through a home speaker. the song was
wasn't expecting that by jamie lawson, which george quick turned off. he started their hour together with a grand tour of his one bedroom apartment. it was rather clean. and not just the kind of clean like he found out she was coming over and quickly tidied up. like clean was his standard. after walking through the kitchen area and into his living room, he opened the door to his bedroom. the room consisted of his bed, a nightstand, and a desk that held a very elaborate gaming set up.

"so here was my thought," he said patting on his bed for her to sit while he sat in his chair. "you said that you wanted to see my work in progress, so if it's okay with you, i thought it would be fun for you to see the behind the scenes of one of my streams."

"that sounds really fun." her soft gentle smile was his favorite thing to see.

jocelyn made herself comfortable, sitting crisscrossed on the end of his bed, just outside of the cameras view but she she could still see what was going on. she also had her phone and headphones so she could hear what his friends were saying during the stream and read the chat.

"hello everyone, i'm going to wait just a bit for a few more people to come in. is anyone here from the notification?"

jocelyn scrolled through the chat, smiling at the amount of positivity that followed this man. he would speak with specific commenters, asking how their days were going and answering questions.

george looked down for just a moment at his phone, immediately receiving commenters asking if he was inviting people to the call.

"we're gonna have dream and sapnap get on in just a bit guys." but that wasn't who he was messaging.

george davidson:]
im glad youre here

jocelyn wiley
me too:)

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