seven; a celebration and reunion

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george davidson:]
jocelyn wiley
oo that ones cute
i'll keep that around

jocelyn wiley:)
can i help you mr. not found?

george davidson:]
you sure can
i have absolutely no idea what to wear tonight

jocelyn wiley:)
i am almost done getting ready and i can come help
that sound good?

george davidson:]
youre the best

jocelyn rolled her eyes while grinning as she placed her phone down. she had spent the week promising george that he did not have to go to her graduation if it was going to be too out of his way, but he spent the week promising her that it was a priority to him.

she finished the finishing touches on her makeup, only to slide her glasses back on. that was always a pet peeve of hers, wearing glasses and makeup at the same time, which is why she normally would only wear a bit of mascara and chapstick.

she put her house keys and phone into a purse before grabbing her green cap and gown and making the short journey to george's apartment.

"coming!" george shouted as he threw yet another shirt onto his bed.

he hopped over a few shoe options before swinging the door open, where he was immediately mesmerized.

her wavy hair was now curled. her naturally beautiful features were perfectly accentuated with makeup. she wore a tighter fitting black dress with black heels that made her 3 or 4 inches taller, but she still stood shorter than him.

"you-" he searched for words that would even begin to describe how she looked. "you look beautiful, jocelyn."

"thank you." her eyes immediately fell to her feet, hoping looking downward would hide the fact that her cheeks were turning red.

he stood there continuing to look at her, wondering how it was possible that he knew someone so beautiful.

"um, can i come in? i'd help you find something to wear from out here if i could."

"oh, of course, yes. sorry." he led her inside, pushing shoes out of the way with his feet.

she walked into his room and was taken back. the apartment she called clean just a few days earlier looked as though a tornado had gone through it. she walked over to his bed and glanced at the shirts. the first to catch her eye was a navy short sleeved button up tiny white polka dots covering it. she picked it up and walked to the pants that were piled on his chair. she moved a few aside until she could grab the grey pair of slacks.

"why don't you try this? maybe with your white tennis shoes?"

"i should have called you before destroyed my home." he said in a defeated tone as he walked to the bathroom with the outfit. she sat on the only open spot on his bed she could find and waited for him to return.

very hesitantly, he reemerged from the bathroom.

"how do i look?" he asked, very nervously.

jocelyn stood and met him. she reached up to straighten his collar and push his hair out of his face.

"you look very handsome."

"thanks," he flashed his pretty boy smile. "you ready to go?"

"mhm." she hummed.

"jocelyn irene wiley. bachelor of arts, visual arts."

george stood and began screaming and clapping. he felt so proud, more proud than when he had graduated himself. it somehow didn't seem plausible that jocelyn only entered his life a month ago. he now couldn't imagine his life without her. he didn't know what he would do if she wasn't around. but he didn't just want her around.

he wanted her to be his.

after every name was announced and the ceremony officially ended, jocelyn immediately searched the crowd of hugging friends and family to find george. as soon as she locked eyes with him, both hurried to each other.

george instinctively opened his arms and she happily entered and wrapped her own arms around his torso. one of his hands rested on her back while the other sat on the back of her head.

"congratulations jocelyn wiley. i'm so proud of you." he said, holding her close.

"thank you, george davidson." even though he couldn't see her face, he could feel her cheeks scrunch up in a smile against his chest.

once george finally released her from the hug, jocelyn tried to nonchalantly scan the large room of people.

"did they come?"

he didn't have to provide specifics, she knew who he meant. she simply shook her head no.

george didn't know much about jocelyn's family situation. the only things he knew for sure was that her parents were pretty unsupportive of her career choices and she only remains in contact with her older brother, but he now lives in glasgow with his wife.

"that's alright, why don't we-" george was suddenly cut off.


both george and jocelyn turned around to see a man and woman coming towards them, waving to get their attention.

"oh my- andrew?" jocelyn clasped her hand over her mouth as she left george's side to go hug the man and woman.

after seemingly reuniting with the two she turned and waved george to come to them.

"george, this is my brother andrew and his wife mia. this is george, he's my.. friend." she said cringing at the sentiment, knowing that friend didn't fully summarize their relationship.

"it's nice to meet you george." andrew stuck his hand out. george gladly shook it, recognizing the similarities between the two siblings. both had the same black hair and dimples when they smiled.

"what are you doing here? i thought you weren't going to be able to make it." jocelyn asked.

"this is important, so we made it work. and we wanted to surprise you." mia answered, moving her hand to her stomach, where george connected the dots that she was expecting.

george couldn't help but smile while admiring jocelyn's joy over the situation. she seemed to have completely forgotten the disappointment of her parents not being in attendance.

jocelyn started rambling out questions, looking to catch up with her brother and sister-in-law. seeing as he didn't want to interrupt the reunion, he tapped on her shoulder before leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"why don't you enjoy your time with your family? i'll see you tomorrow, maybe?"

"are you sure?" she didn't want him to feel left out at all.

"positive," he gave her a parting goodbye hug and, without thinking, placing a small kiss on top of her head. "i'm extremely proud of you. i'll see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow, george." she replied, not evening caring about the giant smile on her face and the blush tint that had taken over.

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