twenty; a happy ending

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"jocelyn wileyyyyy."


"what could you possibly want?" jocelyn replied, squinting her eyes tighter when she noticed the room light was on.

"get up." she pried her eyes open to see the smiling boy hovering over her.

"but why?"

"a surprise." george did a jazz hands like movement next to his face before grabbing her hand and pulling her up.

jocelyn looked at the clock on her bedside table. it was  nearly 4:30 in the morning. she had no idea what george had planned that required for them to be up at such an ungodly hour, but she also didn't have the energy to ask. george had already packed both of their bags and only required for her to get changed.

she then followed him downstairs to where a cab was already waiting on them. she struggled to stay awake, but george let her know she'd have a chance to rest.

they hadn't done anything like this before. she was confused arriving at the train station. they had never taken a trip like this before, and she could tell george was excited but nervous.

"here you go," george handed jocelyn her ticket. she gasped as she read the details.

"we're going to glasgow? we get to see andrew and mia?"

"and poppy." he added, kissing her forehead and leading her to their destination.

it didn't take long for jocelyn to fall asleep on the train after saying "i'm so excited i don't know if i can sleep". with the consistent humming noise of the train and george scratching her scalp and running his fingers through her hair, she was out quick.

george had been planning this trip for a while. when he first called andrew and pitched the idea, he was ecstatic, offering to help in whatever way possible. besides traveling to see her brother and sister-in-law when poppy was born, the two had never taken a trip together.

jocelyn flinched in her sleeping, causing him to bring his attention back to her. she was so beautiful. he started recalling all of their time together. even though just a small fraction of his life was spent knowing her, he couldn't imagine a moment without her moving forward. she was everything to him. he watched her bloom from the shy, closed off girl who was insecure in her talents and herself, into someone who was confident because she was finally feeling loved after not feeling that way for so long.

as he watched her sleep, every fear he had for what was to come in the next 24 hours dissolved because he knew he was making the right decision.

"there's aunt jo!" andrew said, holding his now nine month old baby girl.

george grabbed jocelyn's bag, motioning for her to run ahead to greet her family, which she was happy to do. she quickly wrapped her arms around the three, rambling about how much she missed them. poppy opened her arms towards her so she gladly picked her up.

"hi sweet girl." jocelyn cooed, not believing how much she had grown.

"hey george!" andrew cheered, pulling george into a hug. george didn't have a brother, and was always so appreciative of how andrew took him in.

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