three; a musical accompaniment

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"you don't have to hang around, ya know?" jocelyn said, looking the boy up and down. he had cleaned up nicely in comparison to earlier. he had changed his grey hoodie for a white collared shirt topped with a navy jumper, traded his sweatpants for jeans, but let his white tennis shoes stay around.

"no, i'm okay, really." george felt bad, but wasn't staying out of pity. it made him sad that the hour long event had almost finished and no one had shown up in support of jocelyn. but he did want to be there.

he was so enthralled with her. when he first saw her sitting alone in the coffee shop, her presence demanded his attention. her beautiful short black hair fell in somehow such a careless way that was opposed to how pretty it looked. her lips occasionally tucked in and hid in her mouth, seemingly following her silent thoughts. her eyes topped it all. how could you not give the much deserved respect to those deep blue oceans hiding behind glasses that gave them the appearance of being bigger than what they were.

in the middle of admiring what he thought had to have been an angel on earth, he noticed a change in her demeanor. the eyes that were staring at an envelope in her hands were dampened. a few stray tears found their way onto her cheeks.

after making a decision to speak to her, which he later deemed as stupid, she ran off with her drink. but a word kept ringing in his head.


he racked his brain, trying to think if he had ever met a jocelyn before. it was such a sweet sounding name for such a sweet looking girl. he stood in awe that he had just let that moment slip out of his finger tips.

"excuse me? sir?" george was brought back to reality by one of the establishments employees.

"oh- yes?"

"is this yours?" the employee, who was trying to clean the table, held out the white envelope that he had saw in jocelyn's hands.

"um, yes, it is. thank you." george took the envelope and turned around to leave.

as soon as he was outside he opened it to see if it held any clue of how he could get just one more moment in the presence of jocelyn. it seemed so ridiculous, to think of her as "jocelyn". he didn't even know her and was referring to her as her name like they were old friends.

he pulled out three small tickets. each the same, being an admittance to the local art college's end of the year exhibit.

"so george," jocelyn chimed, "are you from around here?"

she physically winced when she noticed how cliche she sounded.

"i am, my apartment is actually just down the street. i've lived here for quite some time. and you?"

"i've lived here the last four years of uni. i'm graduating this semester." she lifted her chin, allowing herself to be proud of her accomplishment.

"that's amazing, what are you-" george was then cut off by an older gentleman with a microphone.

"thank you all for coming out tonight in support of all of our students and their hard work. we ask all students leave their art for grading and that everyone will begin exiting, as the exhibit is now closed."

jocelyn turned her attention from the man back to george, who was already gazing down at her.

"well, um, thank you for being here, i guess. that was very kind of you." she awkwardly said.

"of course," his smile seemed to light up the entire room. "may i walk you home?"

"how do i know this isn't you trying to murder me?"

george immediately told himself to take a mental image of her cheeky grin and the way her dimples came out if hiding in that moment.

"if i was going to murder you i would not have worn my white shoes." he bounced back.

"fair point. you may walk me home."

jocelyn picked up her purse from the ground and led george out of the building. they started their walk in silence. she began to get worried that he found it awkward, and raked her mind for topics of conversation.

before she could blurt out some stereotypical phrase about the weather, george reached into his pocket and pulled out an airpods case.

"would you like to listen to a song?"

jocelyn nodded and took the left ear bud. as he put in the right one he pulled out his phone and promptly began playing cleopatra by the lumineers. jocelyn did not know this was the song at the moment, however. she was trying to memorize just a few of the lyrics to later look up. their walk was no longer silent. they now had a soundtrack following them.

"this is where i live." jocelyn said dreadfully, not wanting their time to come to an end.

"what a coincidence, i live across the street. i guess we are kind of like neighbors." she could tell he was rather amused with his findings.

"thank you again for coming, and thank you for walking me home. i appreciate it."

"no need to thank me," he looked down at the very tired looking girl. "is there a chance i could see you again?"

"i'm sure we can make that work." she quickly fumbled around in her purse until she could find one of the unused tickets from the night's event and a pen. she quickly jotted down something to the blank back.

"goodnight george." she said, outstretching the ticket.

he reached for the ticket, purposely over shooting so his fingers just ever so slightly grazed her's as he grabbed the paper.

"goodnight miss jocelyn."

they both turned and went their own ways.

jocelyn gripping the hand that just brushed his.

george gripping the paper that had a few numbers and jocelyn wiley:) scribbled on it.

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