17: News

515 23 13

Note: The italics is the person on the phone talking.

The walk on the way back from school seemed more peaceful, the moon was out and shining behind the buildings, illuminating the hill.

"Thank you, Kuroo

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"Thank you, Kuroo." I say to the tall boy next to me. He glances at me and smiles, a wind-like feeling gushes up from my stomach to my heart. I have to admit, despite being with Kenma, a shy but cute, heart warming guy, Kuroo seemed to be more mature. Of course being older... but yet every time with him made me feel like I am on constant adrenaline. It was almost addictive. Just like volleyball. I am so glad I joined. And it was all because of him. Kenma once mentioned that Kuroo got him into volleyball too so I guess we both have to thank Kuroo for our relationship and our passion for volleyball.

"No worries, what are you smiling about though?" Kuroo asks with a teasing grin on his face. My subconscious smile really did show on my face. But I had to keep my excitement it, I would not risk them disagreeing or even ruining their relationship over me, I have truly felt the recent tension between them when I am around. I did not like it.

"Nothing, the moon truly looks so beautiful. Come to think of it, we are almost half way through the school year," I think out loud.

"Don't remind me, I am dreading it." He laughs "My last year you know." He jokes.

"Ah, last year on school team too..."

"Yea exactly. Jeez. Don't rub it in." He jokes again but I can the faint sad glance in his eyes which projected even more as we arrived at the door. I am so glad he cares so much.

"Sorry, anyways I have to go now. Again thank you for walking me! See you!" I wave to him as he leaves almost immediately as I step onto the porch, not even saying goodbye. The door opens and I step inside.

Kenma flings his arms around me.

"Omg Y/N, I have been waiting hours."

"Sorry I got caught up, the whole experience was pointless though. Felt like a waste of time." I hug him back and stroke his back to comfort him.

"I missed you..." he admits and kisses my cheek. I notice his glance out of the window. Despite his usual poker face, he is slightly more expressive with me, or perhaps I just know him too well... A sourness in his facial expression subconsciously surfaced.

"I missed you too Kenma, youre so cuteee" I smile, giggling. My actions were neither fake nor in attempt to dissolve that sourness. Is he afraid that Kuroo likes me? He should know: there could be nothing between me and Kuroo.

In that moment, my obliviousness face palmed me heavily.

Kuroo likes me.

Now it made sense... the continuous attempt to be around me, the tension between the two and the promise to keep our relationship secret was now much more important. This would completely destroy their long-term relationship, just for... me? I am not that selfish.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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