15: Offer

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"Akaashi? Bokuto? L/N?" a voice sounds behind me and I turn around in response.

"Kuroo!" I say as we fist bump and I turn sideways to face everyone, the rest of the Nekoma team comes up behind him.

"Hello" Keiji politely says.

"Been a while Akaashi, Bokuto" Kuroo smiles. "L/N, what are you doing here with them?" Kuroo questions.

"Well, Keiji, I mean Akaashi is my cousin. They dropped me off because they had a game against Oshima, where I practice." I say and Kuroo stares at me dumbfounded then realises after he looks at our family resemblance.

"I hope they are treating you well," Akaashi says calmly with a certain degree of a threat.

"Don't worry she is," Kuroo says grinning cheekily

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"Don't worry she is," Kuroo says grinning cheekily.

What is this sudden tension?

"OYA!" Bokuto exclaims.

"OYA OYA" Kuroo replies. The tension faded away as Bokuto finally realised what was going on.

"L/N, Akaashi. Please come with me" the Coach of Nekoma says as he leads us to the coach of Fukurodani.

"We were just talking about you, I have heard many things about you L/N F/N. You seem to be improving fast too. I am Coach Takeyuki Yamiji, from Fukurodani. I just wanted to tell you we have a spot open on the girls' team. We will be holding tryouts for some girls interested both from our school and others since we have risen in the tables, we have been in quite high demand but I hope to see you there. You sound like a very promising candidate."

As Fukurodani's coach was explaining I couldn't help but smile. Keiji took my hand.

"It would be amazing if would be able to see each other more often." Keiji sounded excited.

"Does that mean I have to move schools?" I suddenly blurt out. I just couldn't bear the fact that all these people that have met from Nekoma, I wouldn't be able to see them as often as I would like. Kenma above all.

"That is up to you, if you have your heart set on becoming a great volleyball player, I think you should try out, if you get in, it would make sense to move but if you decide to try out but not move, that means that you will have to travel by train and miss some school lessons which you will have to catch up on your own." Coach Yasufumi Nekomata suggests.

That does sound like a lot, but I have enjoyed playing a lot. Will be worth it if I move?

"I will think about it. Thank you for the offer." I glance down as I bow and walk away with Keiji trailing behind me. He catches up in no time and walks slightly ahead of me.

"F/N... this is an amazing offer, I have to admit. You should give it a lot of thought because you never know what might happen."

"What do you mean?" I look at him seriously. I am a bit shaken by his words as if he knows something I don't. He looks askance. "Keiji." I assert myself.

"I don't know F/N." he lies to my face. He could never lie to me. This must have been serious.

"Team!" Fukurodani's coach calls and Fukurodani players head towards the bus.

"I'll text you. But I honestly don't know anything for sure so I cannot tell you." he gives me a quick soft hug before he heads to the rest of the players. I look at Kenma, who motions me over. With most people had gone back into the gym, he takes my hand.

I feel more at ease but there is still something lingering in my chest.

"F/N? Are you ok? You seem a bit shaken since you went to speak with the coaches."

"It's nothing bad. Coach Yamiji wants me to try out for a place on the Fukurodani's team. I'd love to say that I am excited but I have a bad feeling about it."

"F/N. You have improved so much since you started, I see no end for you. I think you will do great. I will come and watch if you want?" he smiles.

"Yes, that would be great. Thank you, Kenma." I reply and we go in together to our lessons.

After a long day of lessons and volleyball, I drag myself out of my final class and on the way out as I am stopped by a formally dressed woman.

"L/N. Are you going home? Did you forget something?" my teacher asks me earlier and I remember what she had told me before.

"Oh. Yes sorry, Mrs, I completely forgot. I had such a long day today" I say, trying to get some sympathy.

"Oh no! Well, I am glad to say that today's after school tuition session will be quite brief, we will go over some concepts and I will get some of the 3rd years to tutor you. I will possibly assign you a 3rd to study with. The session will begin soon so go to class 3-B on the top floor."

"Oh. Thank you." I sigh and plod up the stairs and then towards the classroom 3-B. As I walk through the door, some 2nd years are helping some 1st years and others getting help from 3rd years. I sigh and sit down at one of the limited amounts of free desks left. It was busier than I thought it would be. The students didn't seem too troublesome, they looked as if they wanted to be there.

The 2nd years who were teaching the 1st years seemed smart, I recognised one of them as our head of year. She participated in every competition and academic club there was, taking over a few clubs lead by her sister who was in the year above us. The departments loved them. She smiles and waves at me as she catches me looking.

"That's my seat

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"That's my seat." a feminine voice says to me as I turn my head from the girl towards the voice. This young woman, similar looking to the other girl but almost more mature with pink hair tips, leans over the desk and grabs my attention. 

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. So sorry it took such a long time to publish, school has started and I am drowning in work. AYYYYY! Anyways hopefully soon I will be back to a more regular schedule but for now maybe it is only going to be one chapter a week. 

Anyways thank  you for your support! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it! And see ya next time! 


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