Author's note and Q&A

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I know this is so annoying but bear with me. I have moved "A Game" to continue this directly because the idea has come to me that people are getting a bit confused, so I decided to continue this directly on here.

"The longer you have known Kenma and Kuroo, the more they started to fall apart. What will happen to your trio once Kuroo finds out you and Kenma are now together? Volleyball season is coming too..."

Hold on tight this one is gonna be more exciting hahah.

I included the cover so you can get a full view of it.
PS: the cover contains some hints to what is going to happen ;)

Here is some Q&A (to clear stuff up/what ppl have asked me):

From when we finished in the Game Over book, are we dating?
Not yet. But we can all expect it to happen very soon.

Who is that girl that went to talk with Kuroo, "in private" whilst they were eating lunch?
In Game Over she was unnamed, but she will make a return. Her name is Akemi Kiyohime. She is a "friend" of Kuroo's and they used to date, they obviously broke up.

Will (the reader) be part of the Nekoma team?
This is a huge spoiler but I am willing to answer. No. Nekoma team does not have a girls team in the anime/manga and in my story... however another school does...

Will Kenma be the endgame?
Maybe, read on to find out haha.

Who is Kuroo jealous of?
Everyone but himself.

Who is the cousin (of the reader)?
Unknown. For now. Read on to find out.

Will it be just fluff or will you include some smut?
Ehhhhhhh. Depends. Comment on this if you want some smut. I am more than happy to oblige. Angst and fluff will be included for definite.

Will the gamer theme be continued?

If you have any more questions leave them in the comments/dm me <3
(Personal questions also welcome, if you want ahah)

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