13: Keeping it low

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Kenma Takes his hand in mine. We laugh on our way to meet Kuroo at the tower about all the dumb things we did before we knew we liked each other.

"Hey F/N?" Kenma asks.

"Oh?" I look at him in surprise. It is one of the first time that he has called me this intentionally.

"Is it fine that I call you that?"

"Yes of course!" I laugh. He has been so polite to me today, always asking if he is allowed to do stuff. Very respectful.

"Also. Please don't get mad. But I would rather we kept this on the low for a bit. Me and Kuroo aren't in the best position right now and I don't want this to be the end of our friendship."

"Of course Kenma! I don't want to stand in between you two. You have known each other for ages. I am sure it will die down soon and you will be back to normal." I say that as soon as we approach the corner before the radio tower.

"Thank you, F/N." Kenma leans and kisses my cheek. He lets go of my hand and we walk around the corner to see Kuroo already waiting for us.

"Hey, guys!" Kuroo waves at us.

"Heyyy!" I shout, speeding up my walk to overtake Kenma. Me and Kuroo fist bump, something that we have started doing now out of habit, for no reason.

"You two are so cute, from when you were walking across the road it almost seemed like you two were a couple." he teases and nudges me whilst winking at Kenma. I look at Kenma smiling whilst I can see his cheeks slowly turning pink.

"Stop teasing Kuroo!" I exclaim as I punch him gently as a joke. Although Kenma looks almost frightened as he looks at us. My face turns into a worried expression and he shakes his head.

"Is there something wrong?" Kuroo notices my face.

"No nothing." I laugh it off. He has become increasingly attentive. It's sweet. I wish I had met them earlier, then maybe my mum being away for such a long time wouldn't have affected me so much.

We left the radio tower meeting spot and headed off to school. The energy was positive, and it seemed like Kenma and Kuroo had made up, but maybe it was because only me and Kuroo were talking. Kenma stayed silent for the whole walk.

"I'm gonna go. See ya later!" Kuroo excuses himself. It was almost lesson time. I was early.

"Byeee" I wave to Kuroo as he raced up the stairs to the 3rd floor.

Kenma looks at me, now he is more at ease, smiling.

"I will see you later at practice, F/N." he sounds my name and something spins in my chest.

"Oh." I come to a realisation. "Actually from this week, I will be practising with the nearby girl's school temporarily until I find a club to join," I say and his smile falls.

"Oh, I see. I will walk with you home then."

"Sure. I will still be some time before my mum comes back so we have all that time." I end on the positive note before I enter my class.

He smiles and waves as I enter and he heads off to his.

I sit through my lessons, sometimes daydreaming about the things that I and Kenma can do. He makes me happy and excited.

"I hope you are smiling about completing all the questions, Miss L/N," my teacher remarks, snapping me out of the daydream.

"Yes, I have completed the first worksheet."

"That's great!" the teacher laughs and I hear a few giggles around the classroom. "You have a detention with me on Thursday. Come and see me after the lesson too." she fake smiles and returns to teaching.

What? I am so confused. I look over my partner's shoulder to see a piece of paper with printed bold title "Worksheet N8" as well as the stack of papers underneath it. I look at the board for confirmation and indeed, we were supposed to be already on worksheet 7 at the least.

Wait I have detention? That means they will call my mum. She will be put under more stress than she needs to be right now. Oh no I messed up. For real.

As soon as the lesson finishes and most of the students are out on their break, I approach the teacher's desk as requested.

"Miss L/N. What can I do for you to start paying attention?" she exclaimed. "I didn't want to put you in detention, you had good grades from the start of the year but to be honest at this point I am scared you won't pass."

"I understand Mrs." I had one clear goal in my mind. "But please can you not call my mum about the detention." I plead, she looks at me empathetically.

"You must understand that the protocol dictates for me to call your guardian."

"Please. I will even stay back for extra tutoring time." I offer. This meant that I would spend even less time with Kenma but it was not worth to risk my mum's worrying.

"Alright. Just this once. Forget about the detention but this week I expect to see you in after school tutoring time." she smiles.

"Thank you so much Mrs. I will promise to pay more attention." I thank her with a bow and run out for breaktime. I have 2 minutes before I am stuck in boredom again.

Halfway up the corridor, the bell rings and the prefects usher us to our classes. I slump in my desk and listen to another hour of lessons, actually doing the work this time.

As the class stands up to leave I stretch and remember that I am going to the other school today to practice. I take my gym bag and run to the gymnasium. I get the pass to leave from the coach and get changed into my generic sports kit. I smile and wave bye Kuroo and Kenma as Kenma gives me lunch that his mum has prepared whilst Kuroo stares at us suspiciously. I run out of the school borrowing my friends bike.

The other school is only a 15-minute cycle plus I have been excused from one of my lessons to allow me time to come back

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The other school is only a 15-minute cycle plus I have been excused from one of my lessons to allow me time to come back. I cycle as fast as I can until I see a smaller building and there is a large passenger bus parked beside it.

"Oh, it seems like the boys' team must have a practice game today," I say to myself as I approach a crowd gathering beside the gates. Through the crowd, I see a familiar tall boy with black hair wearing a navy t-shirt with a turquoise bib uniform.

He turns around in my direction.

"OMG!" I exclaim.

A/N: Who is this do you think? Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter. Again I apologise for the mess.

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