7: Tension?

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-time skip to after school-

Kenma's POV:

I follow Kuroo home. I have a weird feeling in my chest, I haven't felt before, something that was making me avoid him. I was walking behind him so avoiding him gaze was easy. He tried to start the conversation once or twice but every time he did, my phone made a loud noise, saving us from any disagreements that I felt were going to rise. We approach the tower and he spins to look at me.

"What's up with you?" he enquires, you could tell by his voice, he was being sincere. I wasn't in the mood.

"Nothing" I reply coldly. Please take the hint. Not today. "I'm gonna go. See ya" I say as I attempt to cross the road to avoid him. The sound of tires screeching catches me off guard. I forgot to look.


Your POV:

Running down the steps I dash amongst the students leaving the school building. I run out of the main entrance. Finally I am free! I sigh. Until tomorrow I salute it and run as fast as I can to the bike rack. I see my bike tossed to the side. "WHO DID-" I stop myself midsentence to avoid embarrassment. It was me. I forgot to chain the bike and stand it up properly before I ran off to flaunt my injured leg. I pick up the rusty bike and get on it. My leg seemed to feel better especially after the practice, surprisingly. I pedal slowly out of the school gates and out onto the road. A person like me shouldn't be allowed on the road. Gladly, the way back home is mostly downhill, there are no cars on the road today. Usually its packed. There is always traffic around the school. I relax and stop pedalling as I feel myself being pulled down by gravity. I press slightly on the brakes. The bike does not slow down. I press harder. The bike slows a bit. That should be fine, but I need to get my brakes checked out. I relax once again, lifting my head, freeing my hair which is blown back by the wind. Lovely day. Not too hot, not too cold. As I open my eyes, I see a figure stepping out onto the road, there is no crossing there. I press on the brakes. The bike continues, increasing momentum as it rolls down the steeper part of the hill. "DAMN it!!! Stop!" I yell to the figure who was becoming clearer as I drew closer. I press the breaks to the maximum. Suddenly, I recognise the person as he becomes increasingly clear. Just a mere 5 meters away. "KENMA!" I scream in panic. He turns around, face like a deer caught unaware by headlights. He moves slightly to the side as I swerve into the bush on the opposite side of the road. A soft landing. I can't complain.

"This is it. The end." I say dramatically as I lay in the bush, my bike slipping onto the pavement. Kuroo and Kenma rush to me across the road. I salute them "Farewell my comrades" as I fall back further into the bush. "I didn't even have the chance to become part of your team, but if this is fate, this is how it must be" I release my legs from the ground and sink into the bush. I did not plan to sink that far; I will probably get stuck. A hand grabs mine and pulls me out. They were incredibly strong, I suddenly assumed it was Kuroos. The pull was too strong I bumped into him, trying to regain my balance. I look up as Kenma holds onto me. My heart stops. Kuroo approaches us from behind, slightly late to the sudden gathering. As we look at him then look at each other and then back at him, we move slowly apart, his hand hidden behind my back still holding onto me to make sure I don't fall. I brush back my hair out of my face. "Oh dang. Im so sorry. My bike breaks weren't working suddenly." I look at Kuroo then turn to Kenma "But thank you for helping me out, even if I just tried to kill you" I laugh nervously and Kuroo laughs in support.

"Its not a big deal" Kenma answers. Kuroo looks me up and down.

"Are you ok? Second injury today. Well several" I look down in confusion. My tights are ripped, exposing my legs which not only had the wound from earlier, but scratches all over to accompany it.

"Oh." That's all I could say.

"Do you live far?" Kenma asks and Kuroo turns to look at him.

"No just at the end of this lane." I reply, "Its fine though, I can get home, it's not far."

"Let's get you home, "Kenma says as he lets go of me to pick my bike up. "I'll see you tomorrow Kuroo"

"Its ok I can help." Kuroo answers, taking the bike from kenma's grasp. I stand there in shock, unsure what to say. There is a bit of tension amongst them. Better not mention anything.

"Thank you, guys," I smile. We walk down the road; I lead them left towards my house. "And this is where I live. Thank you again for your help. I would invite you in, but my mum is due to come soon and I have to get cleaned up or she might overreact." I explain. My mum does tend to overact on some occasions, on other more important situations she does not care. They turn to leave the driveway. Kuroo heading left, Kenma going right, back where we came from. "Bye! Thank you again!" I wave to them, Kuroo waves back flashing a smile, Kenma parts his lips as if to say something then stops and waves shyly. I head inside and lock the door.

Kenma's POV:

-time skip to later that evening approx. after dinner-

I look to side of my bed, my console lying there. Probably fully charged by now. I unplug it carefully as the screen turns on, revealing a notification. I should really turn notifications off, they might disturb my gameplay. I never really got any until recently. The text reads:

YSoSerious: Hey

I don't feel like replying, today has been so weird. Although I could use a distraction. My fingers tap the screen.


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