3: First encounter

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-time skip to just before lunch-

Your POV:

My eyes blurring and shutting for the past hour, my body is begging for sleep. I keep my hand upright holding the pan to where I last finished my sentence. I haven't been paying attention for the past... I don't know. I look up at the clock above the board. Hour? Felt like 4 hours to me. I wonder what game should I play at lunch. Suddenly my eyes open wide due to the realisation that I have been invited to sit with the volleyball team. But why? I don't even play. My teacher smiles at me as our eyes meet.

"Stuck on a problem Y/N?" she asks as if to catch me out drifting away.

"No I am just thinking what to write next." I answer quickly pretending to be in thought.

"Oh that's alright." she heads towards me "Let me see what you have gotten to." Just as she reaches my desk the bell rings. My saviour. Those 4 chemistry questions in the past hour wouldn't have impressed her. I let my hair loose from the hair band that was holding it our of the way whilst I was "concentrating". She turns to the class. "Class is over" she signals, and everyone begins to pack away.

"That's ok miss! But thank you!" I quickly close my book out of her sight and pack away. My legs spring up. Wow a burst of energy! A sharp pain hits my right leg. Ah and that's the injury. Carrying my rucksack I head to the top floor, where the 3rd years form rooms are. I rummage my hand around trying to find my lip balm. My left hand lets go of the rucksack and it falls on the floor spilling everything that was in my bag. I close my eyes in disbeliefs and lower down to pick up my stuff. I glance to the side to see my console has slipped out and now was in front of a boy who was standing there. I look up to him. He had a straight face with mid long hair. The roots have grown out separating his hair into two colours, blonde and dark brown. His cat like eyes were set on my console. I quickly grab it, our hands colliding.

"Oh my bad" I laugh. He says nothing and hands it back to me. "Thank you" I smile. He puts his hand into his pocket to match the other and walks away, not making any noise as his shoe collides with the floor. Embarrassed, I quickly grab my stuff and run to the nearest window ceil to put it all back into my bag. I pick up the tube of lip balm. Well at least I found this. I put some on before heading up the stairs to meet the 3rd year.

Kuroo stands at the top of the staircase, talking to some other boys I didn't recognise. He notices me and quickly excuses himself and runs down the stairs to meet me.

"Why didn't you shout my name? I would've come down. You didn't have to climb all those stairs with your injury"

"Kuroo" I laugh "Its ok. I was already on the second floor. Why are you acting like I have broken my leg?" I joke

He laughs "I don't know. A strange feeling, perhaps. Shall we head to lunch hall?" I nod.

-at the lunch hall-

Kuroo leads me to an empty table and we sit down. As we discuss my cousin's team, I don't notice that the boy from earlier is now sitting opposite Kuroo on his phone. I put my head down, my hair covering my face.

"Oh hey Kenma!" Kuroo exclaims. He wasn't at all surprised to see the boy who was busy tapping on his screen.

"Hi" he replies, looking up briefly at his game at Kuroo and then sliding his eyes to look at me briefly whilst still continuing the game.

"This is F/n L/n by the way. She'll be hopefully joining us at practice today." Kuroo introduces me.

"Nice to meet you" he replies.

"Sorry Y/n, this is Kenma Kozume. He is a 2nd year. Please excuse him, he loves to play games" Kuroo smiles facing me.

"It not a big deal. I understand" I laugh. I sudden thought hits my head and I take out my console. I look at the brightly lit screen and see a new notification.

16 hours ago...

Applepi has accepted your friend request!

I smile. Kuroo peeps his head to look at the screen and I quickly switch it off. "I am so sorry. I had a sudden urge to check it." I apologise.

"Its not a big deal" Kuroo laughs "Hey Kenma, don't you have one of those? You usually bring it in too." I look at Kenma who was already looking at me, he turned his head abruptly to face Kuroo.

"I do. Its at home, the power ran out last night. I forgot to charge it whilst I was playing" he replied softly. I smile at him and he returns his gaze from Kuroo back to his game.

"Oh! Maybe you two can play together?" Kuroo smirks. I roll my eyes and I see a small smile appear on Kenma's face.

"What are you playing?" I ask. "Out of curiosity"

"MonHun" he mumbles

"Sorry I don't think she could hear you" Kuroo looks at Kenma, with an apologetic look on his face.

"Oh the monster hunter?" That's pretty cool. I finished that game a few weeks ago, I wonder how good he is. "What level are you on?" He looks up and stares at me weirdly then looks back down at the game.

"58" Kenma taps rapidly. YOU WON! A monstrous voice exclaims "59" he corrects. "I am replaying it currently."

"Oh same" I exclaim as both boys glance to look at me in surprise.

A/n: Hello! This chapter is longer than the others, I feel like I am going to continue writing chapters this length from now on. Hope you are enjoying it so far!

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