2: Fated injury

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Your POV:

Running to school late, no surprise there. If my mum didn't have to leave for work so early, she would have scolded me and blamed my obsession with gaming. I hide my console away into my bad. Putting on my uniform and brushing my hair and teeth, I gather up an excuse what to say to my teacher if she asks why I am late. "Damn it's chemistry first today!" I speed up. School starts in 5 minutes and I live 10 minutes away by bike... I still have to ride over that hill. I grab my non-packed rucksack from last week and some food mum put in the fridge for my breakfast and lunch as I race over to my bike, locking up behind me. I speed pedal to school. Only 3 minutes late. To school in 7 minutes, that officially my new record! I throw my hands up and the bike becomes unstable. My body leans to the side and the weight is shifted, making my bike fall to the side. "Dang it!" Blood draws from the side of my leg. I still need to get into the school building. At least I have an excuse now. I run to the main office and they look at me, not surprised. "I am sorry" I pant. "I fell off my bike and had to walk the rest of the way." The office staff shake their head in disapproval, it has become a routine for them so they know my tricks.

"Please can I have your name and class again for recording purposes?" I nod.

"It's L/N F/N and I am in class 2A"

"I will go and fetch the school nurse for you and then I will notify your teacher of the incident, you will most likely be marked present. For now please wait here." The office member of staff said in a mechanical manner. I give myself I high five in my head and do a celebratory dance. I've pulled it off this time. A few people pass by including some upperclassmen. A tall boy comes out of the group and towards me. He had black hair and a smug face. I think I have seen him around before.

"Hello. Are you ok? That looks nasty!" he says looking at me worryingly.

"Excuse me?" I reply shocked. Is he talking about my face? I forgot to do my makeup, I usually do it in class or when I take the bus.

"I mean your leg, it looks painful" he laughs

"Oh yea, sorry my bad. I fell off my bike on the way here. It doesn't hurt that bad" I smile

"Oh no and you managed to still come in? I would have skipped the day."

I thought about his proposition. He had a good point. "I was basically at school when it happened but don't tell anyone. It's an excuse for running late" I whisper.

His smile widens. "You got my word" he mimics the zipping of his lips. "Oh. By the way, I am Tetsuro Kuroo, I'm from class 3B" It hits me. The name. He is on the volleyball team. I watched them play my cousin's team before.

"I knew you looked familiar! I am L/N F/N, I am from class 2A"

"Why does that ring a bell?" he questions and his eyes look up in thought

"You probably recognise it because of my cousin. You played his school in a practice match in October." I grin, they were some competition for the Nekoma team.

He laughs "I see! Do you play?"

"Not officially, I practice with my cousin sometimes though."

"Oh, maybe then you would want to have lunch with a couple of teammates. I'll introduce you! And if you want then you can come and practice with us?" I stare at him blankly. "OH, your leg! Of course if your injury permits."

I smile at his genuine concern "I'll be there." Just as the words slip from my mouth, our conversation is ended by the school nurse as she greets me.

A/N: I know this may sound like Kuroo x Reader fanfic but please bear with me. If you want one. I will gladly write one. <3

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