6: Lunch

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Your POV:

I turn around at the slight surprise. Kenma smiles at me, then panicking takes off his hand and I laugh at his response. His cheeks turn slightly pink.

"I am literally so happy, I guess I made some good progress. Thank you for teaching me!" I smile at him and he returns it.

"OH I have a question! I know you're really into games, but how did you get into volleyball?" I ask "You don't seem the type either..." I mumble

"Oh? I mean it was Kuroo who convinced me to go. But he really made it seem like a game you know? He said you can level up." He says and I burst out laughing "What?"

"It's just, you are really a gamer boy aren't you" I laugh in reply.

"Yea, you can say that" We both glance at the clock and then at each other, bursting out laughing. "Great minds think alike," he says, and I laugh. How cheesy of him. "Shall we finish for today and eat lunch before lunchbreak finishes?" he offers.

"Of course, I'll wait for you on the bench" I agree. As we part, I walk to the bench to see the other players heading off to get changed. I sit down as the coach comes over.

"The last spike was your best yet! You say you have never played but you can do a cross court?" he praises me with a wide smile, my smile widening in response "I predict that if you join you'll progress very quickly, especially with the appropriate guidance. So what do you say?" Coach Nekomata proposes.

"Do you mean join the sessions?" I stammer in complete shock at this opportunity.

"Yes" he laughs, clearly a jolly man, doesn't seem to get angry a lot "Since Nekoma High does not have a girls volleyball team, I cannot let this talent go to waste. If you join, you can take part in our practices and help us out at practices and official games, in turn for some help with assisting our manager. I am sure the boy would love some extra support" he exclaims. The opportunity sounds incredible, however with exams around the corner... But this would be good college credit. I debate.

"She'll do it" a tall figure says, forming a shadow as it comes closer towards us.

"Changed already, Kuroo?" the coach asks then turns his glance back to me "I don't want to force you since it is your free time but take however long you want to consider it, ok?"

"Thank you so much!" I nod and smile at the coach and glance at Kuroo who's smile is wide and shining happily at the news, he looks almost happier than me. As Kenma approaches us, the there of us leave the gym and go through the corridors to the top floor. I nervously follow the two through the doors of class 3B, the third years. Kuroo lead me to 3 free desks in the corner, Kuroo and Kenma taking the two beside the window. Kuroo sits on the table pulling out his bento-box as Kenma pulls out the seat and sits down getting his out. I awkwardly shuffle into the other seat, the chair making a loud screech as I pull it out. I take a deep breath in. Why am I so nervous? I take my lunch out, not enough to be called lunch, that's what I get for coming late every day. I begin eating.

"This is where we usually eat lunch, so since you're joining our club, would you like to eat with us from now on?" Kuroo asks as I glance at him in surprise and then at Kenma who is playing on his phone. Eat with them? Is it always going to be so intimidating coming here?

"Sure!" I blurt out then stuff my face full of food to shut it up.

"Kuroooo~" a female voice calls behind me. "I see, you are slowly gathering up a fanbase of 2nd years?" she laughs. I swallow my food. She circles me, leaving a trail of her sweet perfume, and sits down on the desk beside my food. Kuroo smiles then look at me and rolls his eyes when she wasn't looking.

"What do you want?" Kuroo asks, in the politest way possible, a hint of sarcasm clearly present.

"Straight to the point, huh? Ok. I need to talk to you."

"Then talk." Kuroo says getting more annoyed.

"In private preferably." She whines.

"Ok." Kuroo stands up and takes a deep breath "I'll be back in a second guys" he says apologetically.

"He won't be" she winks at me. I look at Kenma who has ignored the entire situation.

"She does this all the time" he whispers, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Oh ok" I take out my console to ease the awkwardness. The notification from applepi still visible. I click on their profile. Games played, Leader board, Send a message, Friends - private, Information - blank. They sure keep them to themselves. Send a message huh? I tap on the function. And type "Hey". Message sent. A loud noise blares.

"And that's the end of lunch, I think it's time I should be getting to my class; I'll see you around?" I say to Kenma who is now putting his phone and lunch away.

"See you later," he mumbles.

"Oh and thank you for teaching me today, you were a good teacher" I thank him.

"No problem, I hope to continue teaching you very soon and thank you" he smiles, and we walk out of the class, splitting up to take different staircases.

A/n: Thank you for reading this far! I really appreciate it! I know it is moving along really slowly but I want to put in so many deatils to show the progression of the relationship. I love wiriting this but if you have any suggestions please dm me or comment on here. Against TYSM for reading ittttt!!!! <3

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