1: Leaderboard

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Kenma's POV:

My thumbs glide on the joysticks, every time I know what to anticipate, I have finished this game 3 times already so I could play different scenarios. Ding! A notification. I side glance at my phone and turn it over. Not now. The character dashes around, avoiding the obstacles. "YOU WON!" a deep voice cries out. Finally, I turn my phone over and have a look. 

Kuroo: Do you want to walk to school together tomorrow?

My fingers make a few taps on the screen.

Me: Ok.

Following my reply, he was already typing.

Kuroo: You've never replied so fast! I'll meet you by the radio tower tomorrow.

Me: Sure.

I put my phone down, picking up my console. My eyes widen. I have replayed the game so many times yet... they are always above me, even just by a few points.


YSoSerious: 3200

applepie: 3108

A sigh escapes from my mouth. "Dang it" I mutter. YSoSerious huh? Every time. I pack my lunch for the next day, unable to stop thinking about it. In every game, YSS is either above or just bellow me...how could that be. I tried to search their account... nothing came up. Nothing! I tilt my head to the side "I need to meet that person" I whisper to myself. My chest tightening. "its never going to happen though". As I walk back through the corridor, I hear another notification. This time from my console. I pick it up suspiciously.

YSoSerious has requested to be friends!

"Tch" Did they read my mind? I look around my room and then shake my head in denial. A smile forms on my face. "Unbelievable." My fingers once again take hold of the cold plastic and the screen lights up brightly as I press "OK"

You and YSoSerious are now friends!

I continue to play the game. He light coming from the outside got dimmer and dimmer, but I had once goal. Beat them.

-time skip to the morning-

My legs lift me out of my bed and I put the console aside. I take a small glance at the screen.


applepi: 3450

YSoSerious: 3400

The light turns off on my console. "It's dead" I plug in the charger and get ready to go to school. I take an apple from the fruit bowl and my rucksack and head out of the door. As soon as I close the door, a shiver goes up my spine... I am not going to have the console the rest of the school day. My eyes widened. "At least I have my phone" I walk along the street as the pebbles scatter to the sides underneath my feet.

"Oi Kenma!" a familiar raspy voice calls. I look in the direction and I see Kuroo heading towards the directions of the radio tower. As we meet, we walk together towards our school in the distance, my thoughts blurring out the conversation that he is trying to make. "YSoSerious" I think to myself, as the word escapes my lips.

"Huh?" Kuroo enquires "What do you mean?"

"Oh its nothing. Just a username." I defend.

"Oh like an online friend?" he teases

"No, well they requested me yesterday, but..." I stop

"But?" Kuroo looks at me.

There is no escape. Unless I tell him, he will just annoy me until I do. "we have never spoken, but they friended me yesterday."

"Hah so what's the problem?" Kuroo smiles

"They keep showing up on the leader boards of the games that I play." I look away "sometimes even just above me" I whisper.

Kuroo laughs. "What? I didn't hear that clearly. Can you repeat?"

I give him a you-know-what-I-said-look-you-jerk.

"AHahah why you getting so worked up? You can always replay the game."

"I have" I answer in defeat "We always end up with similar scores..."

Kuroo look at me and I look away into the distance. "Lets go, I don't want to talk about this anymore"

"Alright just one last question" Kuroo says and I approve it with a nod. "What was the username again?"

"YSoSerious, YSS for short" I answer.

Your POV:

A shiver goes up my spine and I jolt awake. I glance at the time. "AHHHH IM LATE!"

𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓. 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑏𝑜𝑎𝑟𝑑: | 𝐾𝑒𝑛𝑚𝑎 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now