11: Apple pie

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After the awkward moment, Kenma's mother walked in, cleared away out plates and we headed to sleep.

I stand there brushing my teeth, looking over what happened at the dinner table. At volleyball practice were close as he was showing me the different ways I could move, on occasion taking my hand to instruct me how to hit the ball. I never thought much of it. I guess we were so focused on volleyball. As I finish brushing my teeth, Kenma walks in.

"Hi!" I wave.

"Oh sorry!" he apologises. "I thought there was no one in here, we are not used to having guests" he smiles.

"Don't worry, I was finished anyway." I remeeber the fact I forgot to bring my DS console charger, I was planning on spending most of the night playing. "Do you have a DS charger by any chance? Kuroo told me you played too." I ask.

"Yes, its in my room on the bedside table." He replies. I thank him and leave to go and get the charger. I don't mean to snoop around, but I am a curious person. His room is dark, due to the heavy curtains and most of the room is taken up by the gaming setup. I grab the charger and head out the door. "Oh."

"Sorry I took a long time." I can't bring myself to tell him I snooped around.

"No problem, do you want to play?" he asks

"Yes, I'd love to, I usually don't get much sleep because I am busy playing on my DS all night anyway." I explain.

"Same" he laughs.

I go back into my room to plug my DS to charge. The screen lights up and I forget what I was going to do. I tap on my recent messages and type a message to applepi. Its been a few hours since we last talked. I miss them. I hit send.

YSoSerious: Hey. What you doing? I missed you ;)

The winky face might have been too much. I suddenly remember the agreement that I made with Kenma. I go back to his room and he is tapping on his DS screen. As I come closer, he puts it down quickly and hands me a game controller. I can't see his face but I could tell he was smiling, he was also acting really weird and rash.

"Is everything ok?" I ask and he nods. We play in silence for an hour before I excuse myself to go to my room. To be honest I wanted to check if applepi had sent me a message. To my delight, they did.

Applepi: Hahaha. Youre cute.

Applepi: I'm just playing a game with my friend.

I can feel my cheeks getting hotter. Applepi and I have been talking for a while, every chance we got. They made me feel like I have truly connected. Although Kenma has become more outgoing and sociable with me. Kuroo has also been there for me, helping me out with some homework, although it felt like I was helping him most of the time. I felt really lucky having both of them, especially at this hard time.

YSoSerious: awwwww ^-^

YSoSerious: AND what a coincidence! Same! I just ran away to my room quickly to text you hahah.

YSoSerious: Please don't rat me out though hahaha

I smell freshly baked apple pie from the kitchen, Its late but I really crave some now. Ding! I didn't expect to get such a quick reply. I smile as I read the text.

Applepi: Oh be careful or I might!

Applepi: Oh I got to go, mum has made apple pie

Applepi: That's my favourite food btw

The smile from my face drops and my heart stops. It can't be. Its too much of a coincidence. I'll just joke around with Kenma and see based on his response. Just as then I look at the door and Kenma stands there.

"Hey." He gets my attention.

"Apple pie?" I ask. His eyes widen. Similar reaction to mine.

"What? Oh haha, yea mum has made apple pie. Lets go and have some if you want" He replies and leaves for the kitchen. I follow him. I sit down at the table opposite him.

"Kenma, apple pie, your favourite," she says as I take a bite and I choke on it suddenly.

Kenma -> Applepie -> Applepi

I chew and swallow the piece of pie. Then stare at Kenma dumbfound. My heart beats faster.


A/N: sorry for the short chapters. This story is beginning to get to an end (ahhhh I think I just used an oxymoron). You probably already know what's going to happen ;)

Check our my newest story: Rise of the Phoenix | bnha 

For some decent quality writing. It is following Boku no hero academia story with the Reader as the main character, yes Bakugou is important to the story. Anyways don't forget to vote and I hope you have a great day :)

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