10: Dinner

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Your POV:

I pack my stuff, knowing my mum would say yes due to her obsession with keeping me safe. My phone's screen lights up and I hear a chime.

Kenma: We are on our way :)

I smile at my phone putting it in my bag along with my DS and a few clothes like brief outside clothes to walk back home in, home clothes and my pyjamas. I got my sleeping bag ready as I didn't want to carry my whole bedding. My phone chimes again and then I hear a knock on my door. Without bothering to look at my phone, I head for the door, briefly checking that it is Kuroo and Kenma through the door spy hole. I unlock and open the door.

"That was quick," I say jokingly. Although it was, I wasn't at home, even for 30 minutes before I got Kenma's text.

"Yea, my mum managed to catch yours on a break when she called her. She was worried about you though at first" he explains, and I sigh. Then why doesn't she call me. I ask myself. I pick up my bag and my sleeping bag. Kenma looks at me weirdly. "Oh I forgot to mention: my mum has prepared your bedding in our guest room so I don't think you'll be needing the sleeping bag. Also, I think you mum mentioned that she will be away for about a week more so we don't want you to stay alone."

"Yea, its not safe Y/n. And let me help you with your bag" Kuroo backs Kenma's point, taking my heavy bag, not seeming to struggle.

"I see. Thank you for your help" I smile.

"What are friends for?" Kenma smiles back.

In no time at all I stood in front of Kenma's door. I felt really nervous. I am going to be a stranger in someone's home for a week?! Kenma wasn't a stranger, but his family were. My body stiffens up as the door unlocks and a lady steps out.

"Kenma! Kuroo! And you must be Y/N! Oh how lovely to meet you finally! I hope you will make yourself at home quickly." The lady's smile beams, unlike the shy Kenma's, even though he is cute. He is cute? What am I thinking? Although he is... No I meant his smile is cute... I realise I am standing there awkwardly without saying anything.

"Thank you so much for helping me! You are too kind!" I bow.

"Oh nonsense!" she exclaims "I cannot imagine what you felt like living by yourself these few days!" She welcomes me in as I follow Kuroo and Kenma. They start taking their shoes off.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot my slippers!" I apologise. I clearly packed everything unnecessary.

"Oh don't be silly, here are some clean ones, you can use them whilst you stay with us!" she gushes whilst giving me some new white slippers. I put them on. Oh so soft. It feels like I am walking on clouds. She guides me into the dinning room where everyone has already sat down waiting for me and Kenma's mum to come to the table. I sit beside Kenma. Aned his mum begins to serve the food.

The Yakitori, grilled chicken, melted in my mouth. It was amazing. Is there something this lady cannot do? I smile as I eat my food.

"So your mum is a nurse?" she asks suddenly.

"Yes, although she is currently training to assist with surgery, if I am correct." I finish my food as I begin to speak.

"Mum didn't you train to be one too?" Kenma directs the question to his mum.

"I did indeed. I studied at Tohoku University School of Medicine and then trained at a hospital nearby. "

"Oh that sounds familiar!" I exclaim "I think my mum trained there." I smile

"Yes your name did seem familiar too. I think she might have been a friend of my friend from the year bellow. Kuroo's grandfather also studied there."

"Yes he did." Kuroo confirms and his phone suddenly chimes. "Speaking of my grandparents, my grandma wants me home soon, I need to pick up something from the store before it closes" he explains "Please excuse me. Thank you for the food." He bows and leaves the room as Kenma's mother hurries behind him.

I slide my hand to pick up my slide and it brushes against Kenma's. We both retract quickly. I feel my cheeks warm. What is happening?

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