16: Study

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Her blonde hair catches my attention quickly, the pink tips have me mesmerised. Her face is close to mine. The sweet perfume swirls around us. She has pretty gold earrings dangling in my direction and back. Her figure is more mature than mine, she looks breathtaking until... She snaps her fingers, pulling me out of the trance.

 She snaps her fingers, pulling me out of the trance

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"I don't think you heard me, that's my seat. Could you be a dear and move over to the seats beside the wall, me and my boyfriend like to have the seats at the back." she smiles. It is fake. I could tell. To be honest, everyone could tell.

Suddenly I remember the girl from the previous encounter. She was the one who wanted to speak to Kuroo in private whilst we were eating lunch in their form room.

"Alright, everyone! Sit down so I can take the register and pair some of you up if you don't have a partner." the teacher calls to everyone. I slump over to the front seat and sit down.

"L/N, F/N?" the teacher calls out my name for the register.

"Here" I answer.

"Alright well since you and Kiyohime both don't have a partner, you can work together." the teacher explains.

"But Mrs, unfortunately," she looks at me and then back at the teacher sweetly "I'd love to but I already have a partner. Kuroo said he will be here in a few minutes." objects the girl who sent me to the other desk. Oh, she was a sly one.

Wait. Did she just say Kuroo?

"Well, I will pair up with Kuroo for now. One of my other 3rd years is coming and she will help him today." the teacher calmly responds making the girl look furious but keep a small smile on her face.

"Sure." Kiyohime rolls her eyes and flicks her pink ended hair back.

I come up slowly to the desk beside her and sit down where I sat before

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I come up slowly to the desk beside her and sit down where I sat before.

"Alright F/N. What do you need help with?" she asks smiling.

Since when we were on first-name basis?

"I don't really need any help, I was just thinking to do some revision on a few chemistry chapters."

"Right. Well, my partner will come soon so I'll leave you to your revision."

We are both not happy about this arrangement. I am not able to focus as every 5 seconds she flicks her wrist to check the time or twirls her hair around her finger, distracting me.

 I am not able to focus as every 5 seconds she flicks her wrist to check the time or twirls her hair around her finger, distracting me

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"Hey L/N. How are you getting on?" the 2nd year head student comes to check up on me.

"Good, thank you," I answer. The girl was really sweet, always cared about her classmates.

"I am sorry you got stuck with my sister. Recently she has become moody because she fell out with a boy in her year. She has been waiting for him all this time it seems. He hasn't shown, has he?"

"It seems not," I answer and then something clicks in my brain. "That is your sister?" I cough out.

"I am surprised you didn't realise; people tell me that we look very alike." I glance at her and then at the older girl. Now I see it. The two did in fact look familiar. One seemed more mature than the other physically and the other mentally.

"Wow you're right, I thought you two looked alike but didn't make the connection until now I guess." and with those words, the door flung open and a tall boy with black hair ran through.

"Sorry Mrs, volleyball practice overrun." he apologises and looks around the class, stopping his gaze on me. "Oh, hi L/N!" he waves as the blonde-pink haired girl jumps onto him with a hug. Me and her sister roll our eyes in unison.

"Its ok Mrs, I can work with him now, F/N said she only needs to revise!" Kiyohime strikes up to the teacher and the door opens again. Through the door comes a young girl about my age with a textbook, I recognised her as she was from the literature club that we were in together even though she is my senior. She was very smart. I guess that is why she is here.

"Oh good. That's alright, Kuroo can pair up with Lia. But thank you for your offer Kiyohime." the teacher says indicating to the girl who is standing at the door.

With that Kiyohime slumps on the chair next to me and watches me doing the work, occasionally glancing in Kuroo's direction who was working and laughing with Lia, Kiyohime was 100% jealous. I mean I totally get why: it appeared that Kuroo did not take any notice of her.

I almost felt bad for her until she opened her mouth again. I can't believe this is the girl who is the head of the 3rd years and the "responsible" student who enters every competition and club.

As the bell rang for school close, I packed my things and stand up. Kuroo approaches my table, completely ignoring Kiyohime's call.

"How was your study sess-" Kiyohime springs to Kuroo and asks him excitedly.

"Would you like me to walk you home today? Well to Kenma's." Kuroo asks as he ignores Kiyohime.

"That would be good," I answer as I look outside and it is already dark.

A/N: fun fact! Akemi Kiyohime, the name is broken down Akemimeaning beautiful. Kiyohime being a woman who transformed into aserpent-demon out of the rage of unrequited love.

So that really gives you a hint about her character.

(ALSO I DO NOT PROMOTE the anime that this part's GIFs are from. Warning: adult content)

Anyways, thank you for bearing with me and have a lovely week! Don't forget to vote if you have enjoyed this part. <3

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