Author's Note (you can read it if you want)

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Hey hey hey! (sorry I know its cringe but I can't help it)

I used to write stories when I was like 14, but I had to shut down my account... so I am here now! If you wanna get to know me, message me or comment some questions to find out about me.

Now onto the matter: I am not going to rub salt on the wound but I was planning to finish this story by the end of... I'm sure you know what. I just wanted to say thank you to the creators, Furudate, the amazing fandom and the people who read my story! Every time I see edits, I can't help but cry. My journey with it has been too short, in my opinion. :(  My heart has been broken so many times I...dont know what to believe. My mama says it's my fault, my fault...

Yea. Now I see it like a blessing that I did not finish this when it all ended, I want to keep it going. I will be writing more Character x Reader/OC  or one-shots about Haikyuu. It might have ended but I hope the fandom will still be active for a long time to come. This is the only fandom that I am in without beef, disagreements (only minor cause you know people who are against ships ahahah).

Update on the story: I will be posting it tomorrow as I am going out today. I will be more active since summer holidays have now started. But then there is summer school...

It has been lovely to start messaging people who are reading my stories, to get to know my audience. So please continue to vote for you favourite chapters and comment as it helps me notice you guys. I love writing but I also want to write what you guys want so hit me up in dms/comments! I have some ideas for Reader x Characters but I dont know which one to start so pls comments here haha. I have this reader over 45 (apparently) and its kinda strange hahaha. 

Everyone who has read this (this far) thank you. My Instagram is @yuuoncrack if anyone wants to follow hahahah. Oh nad if you want to message me there I dont mind! I love meeting new people. 

(I laugh too much  hahah. haha. hah. ha.)   ?(-.-)

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