4: Reflexes

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Kenma's POV:

I stare dumbfoundedly at her, but why? Maybe it's surprising that a girl like her plays such a violent game, no that's a stereotype, I can't be thinking that's the case. I just can't put my finger on it. Her the sparkles in her eyes dull for a moment and she turns her head to the side in confusion. I look back down at the screen. Kuroo opens his mouth.

"So you must be pretty good then?" he asks. She has to be, the amount of patience it takes to finish that game let alone replay it, yea she must be good.

"I wouldn't really say so, but I love it. Personally, it's a classic." She exclaims I glace back at her. Her eyes twinkle again, it makes me feel a bit comfortable like I am not on the edge like I always am. I look at the clock, volleyball time. "But right now I am trying to beat this play-" Kuroo looks at me, interrupting her mid-sentence.

"So would you like to join us, Y/n?" Kuroo asks.

"Join you?" she asks, looking up at him as he stands up towering over her.

"Yea at volleyball practice" he laughs. So he was serious about her joining us. But why did he invite her? Does he like her? She doesn't seem like the other girls he's brought before. Wait why do I have so many questions about her? Why am I even thinking about her?

Your POV:

I stare at Kuroo in confusion, as he asks me to join them.

"Yea, at volleyball practice" he laughs. I smile as finally comprehend. Oh dang, I was so busy talking I didn't even eat my lunch, more like breakfast yet.

"Oh aren't you guys going to eat first?" I ask in hope that they would give me the chance to quickly eat something.

"We usually eat after practice. Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you that! You didn't eat. You don't have to come with us" Kuroo says worryingly.

"Oh its no problem!" I exclaim as I jump up. I am startled at another burst of energy. "I mean, its ok I'll eat afterwards as well. I am not that hungry" I say as my stomach calls me up on my lie by making a weird sound. Silence. They both stare at me. I laugh awkwardly. Kenma breaks the awkward moment as he stands up and walks towards the exit of the lunch hall. My feet start to follow in his direction, I can see Kuroo trailing behind me in surprise. Why did I start following him?! This is so embarrassing. As we walk through the corridors in silence. We walk towards the sounds of clanking and screeching of shoes against the court floor. The noise gets louder as we approach the double doors. Kuroo speeds up slightly to catch up with Kenma, as they open the double doors a bright light blinds my eyes. Instinctively, I continue walking as my eyes adjust to the light. My body fills with energy as I hear the ball colliding with the court. All the sounds stop as soon as I regain all my sight.

"Y/N!!!" Kenma shouts as I am unable to register what is happening; all of a sudden I see a ball fly at me as it collides against my palms, my fingers grip tight onto it, stopping the momentum, not allowing it to escape. Kenma and Kuroo look at me, worried. I hear footsteps rushing towards me.

"I am so sorry! Are you ok?" an unfamiliar voice apologises. I smile at him.

"I don't know what just happened, but I am fine" I laugh and pass him the ball. Kuroo comes towards me.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Kuroo asks. I nod. "Damn, you're really unlucky today huh?" I smile to reassure him. I am still stunned by what just happened. "We'll go and change. Boys introduce yourselves!" Kuroo commands the team.

"Yes, Captain!" they reply.

"Hello I am Nobuyuki Kai, Nekoma's vice-captain" a tall boy stands out of the crowd towards me. He is wearing a number 2 Nekoma team's jersey "and you are?" he asks.

"I am Y/n" I reply smiling, a bit nervous.

"I'll introduce the others. As you probably know Kuroo is the captain and is our number 1, number 3 is Morisuke Yaku, our 3rd-year libero. Number 4 has already, quite impolitely, introduced himself. Taketora Yamamoto and he is our wing spiker" he says as Taketora comes forward scratching the back of his head, looking at me.

"I am sorry again," Taketora says, lowering his gaze to the ground like a little boy who has been told off by his mother.

"Anyways..." Nobuyuki continues to introduce the team. I will probably forget all of their names by the time that he is finished listing them. "And finally number 12 is Yuki Shibayama and he is our 1st-year libero."

"Nice to meet all of you." I smile and wave at them just as soon as Kuroo and Kenma enter in their team jerseys. An old man approaches Kuroo and they exchange a few words and nod, then he makes his way towards me.

"Hello Y/n, I am coach Yasufumi Nekomata" I reach out my hand and he shakes it with a wide smile. "I heard you will be joining us, Kuroo has explained that you have practised with your cousin before right? Now that I think about it, you look very alike"

"Thank you for the opportunity, I do not know much as I do not play officially but I usually work well as support, I have developed when training with my cousin to help him develop. Occasionally I can do some successful spikes, but that's very rare" I laugh, embarrassed.

"Oh I see, today's training will be about receiving, but seeing your reflex catch from earlier, I am sure you will do well, I can pair you up with Kenma, he is a reliable setter that help you with your spikes if you would like? You are here to improve after all" he smiles. I consider his offer and look at Kenma who stares into the distance, I glace at Kuroo and he gives me a thumbs up.

"I would love to, if it is alright with Kenma," I say as the coach becomes Kenma over. Kenma grabs a ball on the way and leads me to the opposite side of the net.

"Nice reflexes earlier," Kenma says without looking at me.

"Thank you" I smile at him in surprise, making my cheeks feel slightly warm.

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