8: Coincidance

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Kenma's POV:

My fingers slide along the joysticks, controlling the miniature character around the map. I completely forgot that I sent them a reply, how strange of me, until the notification box pops up, blocking my view of the rest of the map, leaving insignificant areas free around it.

YSoSerious: What are you up to?

I tap the screen impatiently to remove the message. Unable to remove it, I am forced to send a reply.

Applepi: Just playing MonHun.

Their replies were quick. Annoyingly quick.

YSoSerious: Oh right! I saw you on the Leaderboard, that's why I messaged you.

YSoSerious: It seems like you play a lot of the same games as me.

YSoSerious: You have good taste ;)

Applepi: Thank you XD

YSoSerious: So what do you do out in the "real world" XD

Applepi: Oh I play

YSoSerious: You play games?

Applepi: Oh yes, I play games most of the time, but at school I play volleyball

YSoSerious: Oh which year are you in?

Applepi: I'm a second year, and you?

YSoSerious: Oh ahahah, same!

Applepi: What a coincidance

YSoSerious: Pfft Ahahahahahaha

Unbelievably, this is how the rest of the night went on. We talked about the games that we both played, our interests. They are joining the team to play volleyball. I have never connected to a human being so much before. Me and Kuroo grew up together, but it seemed like we were pretty much opposites. Now I had someone to discuss games, manga and recent tech releases. We actually found out a lot about each other in only one night.

Applepi: The Robo is hard to beat but I managed to on my second try, but when I got him as a character... he was so useless

YSoSerious: Omg you fell for the hard villain as a character

YSoSerious: Such a rookie

YSoSerious: I fell for that too (。-_-。 )

Applepi: bro ahahahahah

YSoSerious: oh ya I forgot to mention Im a girl

read at 8.30am

And this is when I knew. I messed up. My eyes dart around the room, I run to the window and open the blinds. The sun is up. I cannot believe I texted them – her - all night! I usually meet Kuroo in 5 minutes. No breakfast, I change as quickly as I can. I run out of the door. I run along the road to the radio tower. His tall figure already standing there. I pant upon arrival.

"Sorry" I excuse myself.

"Its ok, only a couple of minutes, I was here early just to get some air." He smiles and then nudges me "You know about yesterday. I don't know what happened but let's not continue the same energy today. Ok?"

"Ok" I agree.

"Great. So why were you late, seems so unlike you." Kuroo teases. I can feel a smile forming on my face. What is this? "Kenma?" he looks a me "Oh my. You're smiling. No, if I knew better, I'd say you're blushing" that made it several times worse, my cheeks felt really hot. Like a saviour I hear our names called behind us.

"KENMA! KUROO!" a voice calls.

"Oh I invited Y/N to walk with us to school" he mentions. Since when did he have her number? "I hope you don't mind." I started feeling weird again. I think that's a sign - I do mind.

Your POV:

I'm glad I wasn't going to be late this time, but there was no way I was going to in the first place: I was awake talking all night. Applepi is really quite the character. They sound so cool! I think it's a guy. No a girl. I don't want to assume anything. I tap the screen of the console.

YSoSerious: oh ya I forgot to mention Im a girl

read at 8.30am

I should get going. I leave with my rucksack grabbing my lunch and a breakfast bar on the way. Kuroo texted me asking to meet them at 8.35am... I knew I definitely would be late anyway. I eat my breakfast bar on the way, I see a figure running down the lane. Out of sense of adventure, I follow it as I finish the bar. I get to the end and see two people beside the tower. Oh! It was probably Kenma running down. I run towards them.

"KENMA! KUROO!" I shout as both turn around, Kuroo's smile beaming and Kenma looking flustered?

A/n: Heyyy! Hope you are still enjoying it! I tried out a new way to relay some info through text... I dont know if it worked or not. Pls tell me in the comment section. <3

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