5: Paired up

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Your POV:

I pant as I stop running around for the past 10 minutes. Who knew I was this unfit.

"You have good power and even though I am adapting the set to your style, your timing is pretty good. You just need to aim and explore the other side of the court better" Kenma advises me. I stare blankly. He has been saying the same thing. just rephrasing it. every other spike that I do. He has spoken more to me in these 10 minutes than in the whole 2 years that we have crossed paths at school, even though we didn't know each other, he didn't even get to know me at lunch, but when it comes to volleyball, he seems to already know my strength and weaknesses. My brain feels a slight tremor as the ball collides with my head. "Oh, I am sorry. I thought you were ready," he says as I catch the ball as it bounces off my head.

"Sorry, my bad, I zoned out. Give it to me again" I look at him smiling as I pass him the ball. He sets the ball up. I take a run up and then halt; my feet become one with the court below my shoes. As I gather the energy, lowering my self to the ground, the ball flies directly on course. My legs spring up and my feet tear the bond that they have made with the court, releasing all the energy. My arm rises, stretched out to the maximum and my hand towers over the ball. My shoulder moves back and then forwards, almost in a circular motion, the vibration of energy rising up my arm, following the lead. I side glance to the opposite right side of the court and my hand strikes the hard rubber. The energy is transferred to the ball as it spins flying to the right. I keep my eyes on the ball and my lips spread into a wide grin. The ball smashed against the hard surface, making an energising sound, deafening those around it. I lower myself, my tiptoes touching the surface as I land. My first reaction, I look at Kenma, his eyes are wide open, lips slightly parted.

Kenma's POV:

I set the ball just about half a meter from where her reach height is, giving her the perfect opportunity and time to look for space before she makes the hit. Once my fingertips release the ball, a breeze blows past me, smelling of fresh cotton, washing powder. Her hair, now tied up in a ponytail trails behind her, flowing. It is just like in slow motion. I can see her finally pausing to take a look where she is gonna shoot. And like a whip, her arm swings, directing the ball with power and aim to the opposite side of the court, where the coach is explaining a concept to the rest of the team. I see Kuroo's piercing eyes directed at us. At her. My chest tightens. Her feet collide with the court, not making a noise. She closes her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, opening them and then turning her face towards me, hair revealing her smirk. Her smile. Her eyes. The determination shines through them all. Her smile widens and I realise I am staring at her like a fool. I glance behind her. Kuroo is still looking at her and I lower my head, as I do her smile drops.

"Did I do something wrong?" she asks with puppy eyes, the twinkle in her eye is still alive.

"No, that was amazing" I breath out the tightness in my chest "well done" I smile slightly and her beautiful smile returns and she jumps up in excitement. That moment Kuroo stands up.

Your POV:

"HEY Y/N!" I spin around towards the sound of Kuroo "That was incredible. Great cross-shot! Right on the line" his words of encouragement and the thumbs up he gave me boosted my ego for sure. I laugh.

"Thanks, Kuroo!" I shout back giggling like a child that has been given too much praise for a stickman drawing. I feel a hand resting softly on my shoulder.


Kuroo's POV:

The powerful blast came out of nowhere. I speak for everyone when I say, we were shocked. Coach didn't mind being interrupted. I glance over, she spun herself around, not even looking where the ball landed. Perfectly on the line. Kenma's shocked face turned into a smile, something about this made me feel uneasy. Insecure.

"HEY Y/N!" I call, quickly getting her attention as she spins on her heels to face me. "That was incredible. Great cross-shot! Right on the line" I give her a thumbs up. She was far away, still shining like an angel amongst the lights. I smile. That moment Kenma comes close behind her and places his hand on her shoulder. My smile drops.

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