Part 3

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"You're finally awake." A deep voice said. "What happend, where am I?" You asked confused. "When I asked you if anyone had talked to you while you where getting your stand you fainted, and we are at my house." You remembered what had happened. Somehow you had fainted while you remembered the events that had happened, you didn't feel sick or anything  so you didn't know the reason why you had fainted. "Get rid of him. Get rid of him. Get rid of him." A voice kept saying, you recognized the voice. It was the same voice that had told you to destroy the Joestar bloodline. "It's him again." You said. The boy looked at you confused. "They want me to destroy the Joestar bloodline along with someone else." You looked at him. 'Damn you Dio.' He said whispering.

"Your stand, it is exactly like a man I had known before. His name is DIO, but somehow your stand doesn't have the same powers as it used to have." Kujo said. "Well I better get going now. I already to you what you wanted to know, there's no need for me to stay here." You said while getting up to get out of the house. "I'll take you home, there still more powerful stand users out there, l/n" he said "No need to protect me, Kujo" you looked at him annoyed. You walked to what you thought was the exit, but no it lead to a room. "Hey Kujo, how can I leave this maze?" The boy walked up to you "Yare yare daze, follow me." So you did.

"Well goodbye." You said but you where ignored by the boy as he started walking besides you. You decided not to say anything about it, until you saw a certain redhead walking ahead of you. "Isn't that Kakyoin?" You asked, while Kujo just hummed in response. The boy turned around as he noticed that you where talking about him. "Y/n! Jotaro-san! What a surprise to see you guys here.. together?" He said "Well, someone here is stubborn and wouldn't let me go alone, but where are you going?" You asked Kakyoin. "Well I told Jotaro-san to make sure you where fine and it seemed that he was taking a little to long, so I was going to go to your house." "Oh I see. But here we are alive so no need to worry" You said. "Y/n! I'll walk you home! No need to be with these guys if you don't want to be with them!" A voice cried out. You where confused at who it was "oh, it's the leader of the Y/n fanclub." You said unamused. "You have a fanclub?" Asked Kakyoin "Yeah I only found out like 2 weeks ago." "Y/n do you need anything I'll buy you food if your hungry" Said the boy. "Can't you see she's busy right now?" Said a tall man "She clearly doesn't want to be with you guys so ill take her from here" the guy said trying to grap your wrist "Hey, no need to grab me." You said putting your hand in your pockets. "Go Y/n." Said Kujo, you where shocked at what he said and so was Kakyoin "But what if he's you know that, we can't leave a lady in danger" Said Kakyoin "I'll be fine." You said to Kakyoin "let's go." You said to the random boy waiting for you to follow him. "Y/n y/n, you've always been so beautiful, strong, independent, and hard working" Said the boy while you cringed at the words he was saying.

You where a few streets away from your house when you noticed that the boy wanted to grap your hand once again, you declined at the offer and noticed that he was a bit mad. "Oh Y/n why can't you see how much I love you, I don't want to force you to love me back but if I have to I will." The boy said while he took out his stand "So you are a stand user. I wasn't in the mood to fight anyone this week, but it seems like I'll have to." You said to him. "Ilomilo." You said while taking out your stand "blur the world." You said. "AH WHATS HAPPENING TO MY EYES! MY EYES!" The boy said "Stop whining it's annoying, and my parents are going to hear you." You said "HELP! MY EYES I CANT SEE!" You where getting pissed of when you where being ignored by him. 'I guess I'll have to knock him out' you thought to yourself "MUDA!" You heard your stand scream while knocking the guy out unconscious. '"Pathetic" You said.

"Y/n." Kakyoin said while standing next to Kujo looking at you. You where shocked to see both guys there, you hadn't noticed they've been watching your fight with he guy. "Oh Kakyoin, what are you doing here?" You asked "Your stand, are you sure that's the only thing you can do with it?" He asked ignoring your question "I'm pretty sure. Yeah" You said. Kakyoin walked up to you "I'm glad your safe." He said hugging you. "Yare yare daze, she wasn't going to die Kakyoin" Kujo said while Kakyoin looked up at him then smirked.

Kakyoin had insisted on taking you home until you agreed. "So y/n" Said Kakyoin "Yeah?" You asked "Do you have a boyfriend, or do you like anyone?" You turned a bit red when he asked "No, no I dont" You looked the opposite way from the redheaded boy. "I was just playing around Y/n" he laughed "what about you?" You said with a smirk, he looked at you "Well I'm single, if your interested" he winked. You blushed. "Yare yare daze" You where suprised to hear his voice "Oh Jotaro-san I thought you weren't going to come, sorry" Kakyoin said nervously. Kujo in the other hand didn't accept Kakyoins apology as he stepped right in between you two.

He looked at you the looked back at Kakyoin. "So, Y/n can you give me your phone number so we can keep in touch?" Kakyoin asked, while Kujo looked at you "sure, I guess. Let me find my phone, I don't remember my number" You said a bit embarrassed, then you had remembered that you had left your phone at your parents house when Kujo took you. "I left my phone at my parents house, ill give to you when we get there." You said trying your best not to get more embarrassed. "So your inviting me over, am I right" Kakyoin smirked "Yare yare daze" Said Kujo once again. "Alright I'll invite you two over at my parents house that's if you guys wanna go." Jotaro nods then looks at Kakyoin "Sure Y/n well go" He said with a big smile.

As you came inside the house you called out for you mom "Mother?" You said once again. No response.

"Wait here I'll go find her" You said to Kakyoin and Kujo while they both nodded. "Mother?" You said again "Ah Y/n your finally home, sorry I didn't respond earlier I was making dinner" She said, you sigh in relief that your mother wasn't in danger.

"I invited some friends over, just wanted to know if you where okay with it." You said asking for permission "Sure ask them if they want dinner so I can serve them" You nodded as you headed to the guys. "Come in, are you two hungry? My mother made food." You asked "Sure I'm a bit hungry" Said kakyoin and Jotaro just noded.

"Y/n you said some friends not boyfriend and a friend. It's rude to call your boyfriend just a friend" Said your mother while kakyoin just looked at you then at Jotaro. "I'll explain later" said Jotaro.

Once you all where done eating you saw that Kakyoin seemed to have a good impression to your mother. "Ma'am I'll help you clean the dishes" your redheaded friend said to you mother "Aw thank you, sweetie but you guys go have fun." Your mother said back, you looked back at Kakyoin and saw him blush a bit. 'What a weirdo' you thought to yourself. "Y/n go take them to your room, if you guys want anything call me!" Your mother said leaving the room.

"So Jotaro-san what was that about you guys dating?" Kakyoin said with a smirk "I had to lie, or else I wouldn't be able to get close to-" Kujo stopped his words "Yare yare daze I didn't mean that, I just needed to lie so that I could get some answers to my questions." Kakyoin laughed at Kujos response. "Hurry up, let's go to my room. We'll talk there." You said not wanting to keep that conversation going.

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