Part 6

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"The world?" You said whispering. Kakyoin had stopped walking along with Kujo.

"Y/n, he's talking to you again, am I right?" Kujo asked. You nodded. "Take out your stand, I want to make sure my theory is correct." Kujo said. You took out your stand "say the world" so you did "The world" the world went black and white for a second, as you noticed that everything had stopped. "WHAT THE FUCK"

You weren't sure of what to do. "Y/n resume ti-" Kujo said. While you didn't understand what he said since he sounded like if he was glitching. "Ilomilo" You said, your stand looked at you. "Resume" nothing changed. 'What the fuck was Kujo trying to say? Resume titles? Resume ties? Resume' Said whispering making sure to keep yourself together and break out. Everything was back to normal. Birds where moving. Kakyoins hair was flying. The world has resumed.

"It seems that you have better control over The World than DIO did." Kujo said. While Kakyoin only looked if he was having some pretty bad flashbacks. "We gotta go to school" You said trying to forget what had just happened, ever since that you planned on never using your stand again.

"Excuse me for my reaction, y/n" Kakyoin said "Oh no I'm sorry, if I did something wrong it seemed like I unlocked a memory you wished to had forgotten" You said trying to calm the boy down. "Kakyoin, she isn't like him. Don't worry" Kujo said with a tone you haven't heard before.

It seemed as if time passed by faster than usual, you were almost at the end of the school day. You and Kakyoin talked by passing notes to eachother, it seemed as if he was back to normal. Finally the last bell "We're free Y/n!" Kakyoin said while stretching "We are aren't we?" You said "Jotaro-san nice to see you, are we going over at your house tonight?" Kakyoin asked, as the tall boy nodded "Is y/n coming with us too?" Kakyoin asked again "Yeah" Kujo said. "Oh my god" You said whispering.

You where going out of school, but something felt off. You hadn't seem Polnareff since the day you went to sleep over. "Hey Kakyoin have you heard from Pol?" You asked curious to what had happend to your friend "Oh Polnareff-san, well ge got into a stand fight and got injured, so Joestar-san advised him not to go out until he felt good again" Kakyoin responded to your question. Joestar, is that what the vlice wants you to get rid of? That Joestar? You where a bit confused to how This Joestar guy was related to the two tall guys that were standing besides you, but you didn't dare to ask.

"He's my grandpa, if your wondering" Kujo said. You just nodded to his response. "So Y/n, do you need anything from your house? We are going to Jotaro-san's place" Kakyoin said "No I dont think I'll need anything" You said back. You didn't want to go to Kujo's place but you knew that if you said something it wouldn't matter, because Kakyoin would of had convinced you to go.

You were infront of Kujo's place. It was huge. You made sure to take of your shoes like everyone else, not wanting to be rude. "JOTARO!!! Is this your girlfriend you've been talking about?!!!" A woman ran toward you. What was she talking about? You were really confused. "Yare yare daze, I'll take them to my room." Kujo said pulling his hat down. "Good afternoon Seiko-san! If there's anything I can help you with I'm always here" Kakyoin said with a grin. "Happy to have you here Kakyoin!" The woman said "And you too Y/n, my names Holly, but you can call me Seiko" Seiko said. "Ah, nice to meet you too, Seiko-san!" As soon as you said that you where being hugged my her. "I'll make dinner whenever you guys get hungry call me!" She said happily.

"Let's go." Kujo said walking to what you think his room. "Kakyoin I have forgotten about my cherry pie" You told him a bit upset that you dint get to eat it as soon as possible "Oh Y/n, I asked you if you needed to get something from your house. I'll let you have piece of my cherry pie" Kakyoin said while smiling at you. "Or I can ask my mom to make some if you guys want." Kujo said "Oh yes please, I could never have enough cherry pies!" Kakyoin said "Thank you, Kujo" you said.

Kujo had dropped both you and Kakyoin in his room as he went to request some cherry pie to Seiko-san. "Soooooo, do you like him back?" Kakyoin asked you smiling "No." You said, even thought you weren't sure of what to say since you didn't even know your feeling towards the tall boy. "You could be doing so many thing y/n, being able to stop time...sounds cool if you ask me" kakyoin said as he laid down in Kujo's bed. "Come here and lay down, Jotaro-san's bed is so comfortable" you did as he said and lied down next to him.

"Yare yare daze, I was only gone for 5 minutes and you guys are laying down together in my bed." The tall boy said. "Ah I see, sorry Jotaro-san it felt like you took ages" You laughed at what Kakyoin had said. "Y/n do you know Jotaro-san has an obsession over dolphins?" Kakyoin asked you "Wait do you really, Kujo?" You asked Kujo. "Shut up, Kakyoin" Kujo said lowering his hat down.

Almost 30 minutes passed by of you guys talking about random stuff, well mostly you and Kakyoin since Kujo wasn't the type of guy to talk to. "Jotaro! Y/n! Kakyoin!! The cherry pie is ready!" You saw Kakyoins eyes lit up at the words that came out of Seiko-san's mouth. "What are guys waiting for? Hurry up go!!" Kakyoin said as he raises towards the dinning room.

"This is really good Seiko-san!" Kakyoin said while eating the cherry pie. You nodded to let Seiko-san know you also enjoyed it while Kujo just eat without talking or nodding. "Glad you guys like it! So when did you and Kujo meet?" Seiko-san asked you. You weren't sure of how to tell her that you only met her son like what? 3 days ago, and somehow you guys were 'dating'. "At school" Kujo said "Love a first sight! Perfect for my Jotaro!" Seiko-san said the looked at Kakyoin "When are you going to start dating?" She asked "Oh I, uhm don't know yet" Kayoin said as he continued eating his piece of pie. Seiko-san only laughed at his response "Let's be patient, and wait for the right one! Tell me all about it once you've found your soulmate, Kakyoin!" She said to the boy.

"Well go have fun, I'll clean the dishes" Seiko-san said "It's best if you go out and buy something for yourself." Kujo said and you turned to look at both Kakyoin and Kujo's mom shocked at back the tall boy had said.

"Alright! I'll go out, but I won't be back part 9pm!" Seiko-san said with a big smile. Kujo led you and Kakyoin back to his room again. "I'm glad your staring to show your love towards your mom, Jotaro-san" Kakyoin said "What do you mean?" You asked the boy "He wasn't the best at treating his mom, because of his lack of affection." You looked at Kujo but decided to forget about what you had been told, either ways he's trying to be nice now right? That's all that mattered.

It got a bit late, probably around 5pm? Kakyoin had to go home a bit early since he wasn't doing very good in school so his parents got strict on him, and Seiko-san was still enjoying her break from her house. While Kujo didn't let you leave.

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