Chapter Five - Revenge for Lisa

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Jennie POV

Because I can't keep it myself. I decided to let my family know everything I discovered but we need to talk privately and in person so it will be delivered smoothly and they can understand it. I message everyone to have a family dinner.

They were shocked because its first time that I was the one who initiated it. Dad literally invite that fucking Mino but I told him that it is a family matter because I have important things to be discussed.
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Author POV

The Kims was right on time. JRJ Kim diner is where they agreed to have this special dinner that Jennie planned.

Jennie came in first. It only takes 5 minutes and Jisoo came accompanied with her wife Rosé with their baby dogs named Hank and Dalgom.

The rest came after only some minutes. The old Master Kim and Old Madam Kim arrived late but it was only a good minutes of late.

Jennie ordered the diner's specialty. Jiyong and his brothers are talking non sense teasing each other like they were a child bragging their toys and it come to the point that they were talking about grandchildren's.

Jiyong was meaningfully eyeing his only daughter-Jennie, so when her daughter noticed it he avoided her and acted normal and looking heavily focused having conversation with his brothers but Jennie on the other hand, rolled her eyes with that because she really know her father.

They were happily eating the dishes. Laughing and asking about the statuses of their company. Jennie just finding the right time to tell everyone about Lisa.

After Jennie ate her dessert, she cleared her throat loudly and that make everyone's attention to focus on her so she speak.

"I have important thing to discuss, I know it might nonsense to all of you knowing its been a year now but please listen to me first"Jennie said in authoritative tone and to make it like 'you need to listen to me and shut your mouth off'

"Okay, grand daughter the floor is yours"Old master Kim told his granddaughter even though he was contemplating and already had idea to who is his grand daughter referring to.

"Its about Lisa, and-."Jennie was cut by her father because the latter was still mad with Lisa

"Stop. I love you daughter but that fucker punk broke you down and now you're talking about her again, when will you moved on and just give that damn heart of yours to someone"He highlighted someone talking to one person and it was Mino. Jennie who knows her father was not interested to that someone, rolling her eyes and still continued what she started.

"Will you please listen first, father"Jennie said mockingly to make her father shut up and Jiyong obliged because Dara pinched his waist to let their daughter say what she will inform them.

"Thank you Mom"Because Jennie noticed her mother helping her and Dara nod her head to tell Jennie to continue.

"Well I was wrong accusing her. And all of the information you gathered about her was all plot and planned, here's what my trusted private investigator handed me after a year of investigation to find out the truth and I'm sorry in advance because I want the truth to help myself"Jennie handed the Agreement Contract of Mino and Lisa to everyone but Jisoo was the one to read it and she gasps and her tears fall because she literally judge her best friend just like that.

After everyone read the contract, it was silent and suffocating. They can't believe what they did wrong. Its like a thorn that stock in their throats which they can't easily get because of how sticky the saliva is.

Old Master Kim as the head of the empire then spoke.

"So we fucked up big time, judging someone innocent because she loves us and hopefully this will served as a lesson to everyone"The old master Kim said just to lessen the remorse feelings of his family members.

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