Chapter Twenty Four - Two Powerful Couple

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I can't really explain this happiness I felt, its like a bibliography of the book or thesis, the last important page for completion of your project. Yes, she maybe wasn't my first but I know myself she'll be the last and best, the one who'll complete me and my dream family.

Those confirming words I didn't expect from Jennie was magical like a bombing candy I ate that sparkles and making cute sounds in my mouth. Its been years that passed but she proved me I was wrong to what I decided in the past and whatever I am, she still loves me and it will always be me. You might think, I'm being unfair to her in everything that's happening now because of what I did, don't worry because I won't argue with that, its the truth anyway.

I badly hurt her, been the reason of her mental illness and being defensive like I was the one who've pained the most but here I am still holding the precious gift God had given me - Jennie, I was blessed enough to have her in me again and from now on, I will do my best to give everything she deserved and that includes my sincerity to not runaway again when circumstances comes.

She willingly accepted me, a woman with a kid with other woman, she was pure kind hearted woman that everyone will love to dream with, but here she is in my arms, cuddling me tight like her life depends on me. I am staring to her sleeping figure still mesmerizing the ethereal beauty she have but she's not naked okay. Hahahahaha kidding. Yes I know you might think I had sex with her but no, I respected her and we still need to talk things out and I am not rushing her to the things that will only triggers her back to darkness and speaking of which she maybe in her bad dreams.

"Lis, don't leave me"A tear left in her cat eyes and I felt stabbed for that possible pain tortured her for years when I decided things on my own benefit not minding her and the people around me. I only stare at her, analyzing the pulping emotion she laid through her actions while sleeping and I was feeling those nail pointy digging to my heart for all the years Jennie was suffering depression.

"Lisa, don't leave me please, I love you please stay"She still in her dreamland having the very bad dreams that was planted in her memories a long time ago and here I am watching her in pain knowing that I was the caused. I leaned closer to her kissing her forehead letting out those pained emotions in me. A tears flooded down to my cheeks unconsciously, I hug her soothing her hair, kissing it lovingly and I felt she was shaking in fear.

"Lisa plee---ase"And I can't stand anymore so I wake her up whispering sweet words, assuring her that I was here with her and kissing her meaningfully. She maybe shocked at first, ofcourse its just hours that passed that she barged in my office claiming my lips asking me to have sex with her that I didn't do, we argued that she pointed out I didn't want her anymore etcetera etcetera and I was like a defense lawyer trying to defend myself that its not sex I wanted for her, for a perfect 2 hours of arguing, we settled back to my house but she was sleeping already when we came, maybe because of her heavy cries that exhaust her, so I let her rest first.

She woke up immediately finding that I was beside her, not in her dreams but in reality.

"Please don't leave me again Lisa"she told me groggily cupping my cheeks letting me stare at her and she had this looks that telling me 'I can't afford of losing you again'And I was like, I can't lose you too.

"I won't"Its not only a promise but a word I am going to stand this time. Then I kissed her forehead. Palming her back that she'll feel my sincerity of that two words.

I was happy and contented with Jennie in my arms but of course there are many things I needed to do first, like talking to my son that if I can find someone to be his new mom, asking Kims blessings that I know it will take more woo since I pained the most precious girl in their family, informing my parents with my plans and surely my mom will loved the idea with my ever supporting father and lastly, of course as a respect to my deceased wife, I needed to inform her parents too and even they somehow pushing me for years now, I still needed to tell them this things for pure conscience, you know I don't want anyone to hold grudges in me like I did in my past. Conclusively, it is not a simple decision that you'll just jump freely not considering everyone concerns. It maybe hard but you need to stand firm to walk in challenged - and that's one of my life choices.

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