Chapter Nine - Sunshine in Darkness

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Time passed quickly and it takes another unprogressive year for Project Finding Lisa. This only make Jennie acted more bitcher than her usual coldness. Her family worried about her because even they have many connections they can't find Lisa.

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I hate it.

I hate myself. All the frustrations I endured comes to waste. I missed her and it only break my heart thinking what happened to us. It seems that God wants me to fell this misery of my mis-judgements. If I only believed in her unending love and letting her explain why we needed break maybe we're cool and married by now.

'You wasted the one in a million gem you can find once'My mind whispered to myself.

How I wish turning back the time is easy and can shrink those bad memories.

What if I am too late now?

Will she able to accept me again after what I've done to her?

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A year passed again and that means Amanda was supposed to go back to her home country because the Visa she hold only allowed her to stay in Japan for a year. It maybe not enough for her because she enjoyed Lisa's company which the two was now in mutual understanding stage but she promised that after her Art Show Contest in New York next month, she will come back to Lisa.

Lisa understand the word priority. She was overwhelmed and felt the honest and understanding love she dreamed from Amanda. Its like a blessing in disguise that after that devastating year happened to her there's still a sunshine that will lighten the darkness path she had. She also supported Amanda for her upcoming Art Show telling her to go on not minding her because she was willing to wait for her return.

Did Lisa really moved on to Jennie and the feelings she had with Amanda it serious? Or it just another safe zone she choose over something/someone that it will never goes back?

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I am sad. This is my last day and last night with Lisa and it will take another 3 months before I go back here since next month I will be competing in New York and another 2 months for processing my papers to stay here again for a year since I am not a holding a Japanese citizen. I know all of you must be surprised with my sudden comeback but I tell you this my piece is something that will shocked the world because the image itself speaks different emotions.

If you asked me what happened to Ozami and Harry, well the two was now happily married because she was 3 month pregnant already. To make the story short after that beach thing leads to unexpected. Harry was really eyeing my dear bestfriend for months and we are all shocked for his confession and thankfully Ozami felt the same too. The two make it official right after the confessions and Lisa was happy with that knowing her worries were nothing.

Of course, Harry and Ozami teases me to Lisa and maybe that also the reason why our relationship development turns out to have a positive outcome. And I am very happy because Lisa was courting me now. Yes, I am being such a virgin for wanting to feel her true intentions even my inner me told me to just say yes already because this beautiful handsome Lisa slash my suitor is a chick magnet and girls literally eyeing her like she's a delicious special food.

This day I want to make it special and memorable because I am sure with one thing and that owning Lisa as she will own me too.

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It takes a year for me to realize and there's no turning back already. And all those reality comes to my mind. Jennie, if she only believed to my love, things might be different and the result must be something we hoped for but instead she assumed that I did something I will never do to her-and that was cheating, the most obvious sin I can't do with her because I was fucking faithful and in-love with her but now all I have about her is memories, the fading memories that only reminds me of my downfall . Her family, they made me suffer not letting know everything first what the real reason behind and judge me like I'm a pest to their growing plants, totally eliminating me in this world for assigning assassins to give me wounded mark I can't eradicate, not only that but they also destroyed what I worked hard for almost many years-my supposed to be expanding profitable business. And you know what makes me moved on is that the theory I assumed they made up to make everyone who's close to me believed that I was the wronged one having the sympathy of almost of my special ones and fans.

 Harry is right it is not too late to make myself happy again and Amanda was giving me those butterflies I didn't expect to feel it again, so why not give it a chance, she deserve all of me. She was pure and innocent and I am loving it knowing that a certain person is willing to accept me and my past. She was one in this whole world that will hold on you even how much wounded you were.

I courted her for almost 3 months now but she's not giving me her sweetest Yes and I respected that knowing that she was making sure if I am true to her. I also know that she was NBSB so its normal to be sure first before things turns out to something she will only regret but the sudden news of her turning back home only saddens me with the idea of this growing love I had with her will turns side ways leaving me again broken and will not be able to put pieces back to normal, but I hope it will not because I love her already.

You know I envy Harry, he was bold enough to announced his love towards Ozami that it only take days for him to own this beautiful lady whom his wife now. If I was same with Harry and I was able to noticed her before maybe things were different and I know its just God's plan to make me ready and whole first before giving me someone who will complete me and I am sure that someday if given a chance, I will marry Amanda too and build a happy family with her.

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"Babe, you don't have to worry because my best friend will give that sweetest yes to your friend, she just making sure everything is perfect for them"I assuring explained to my American husband-Harry because he was bombarding me questions that if my best friend Amanda is really serious with Lisa, or if just his friend waiting for nothing so better to stop it and as such blah blah blah. Yes I know all his worries like duhh because we both have the same worries the only difference is that my best friend suitor-Lisa was someone who can melt girls heart with only just talking to them and her charisma is somewhat unstoppable even she was aging and it make me think that anytime she will just hurt my innocent friend. Don't hate me for thinking that because I am not against with their deepening connection, I am just making sure that it is something flowering abundant from good seeds- the perfect seed that an owner was loved to taken care of and water it to have its complete nourishment to be fruitful.

"I am sure babe that Lisa isn't someone who will used or hurt your friend just because she had this magnetic forced who can get girls easily"Here we go again my loving husband with his reasons and I know he will not stop standing up in his reasoning.

"Okay, Okay I believed you, let's just stop minding their own business, they're mature enough to decide for theirselves"I want to dismissed this topic already because I don't want to precept Amanda decisions.

"Yeah right so what's up my beautiful wife ready for round two?"He told me wiggling maniacally his eyes, the eyes I am loving since then. I forgot to tell you that we're making love in this hot afternoon because I was horny, perks of being pregnant because my hormones is running wild that can't stop me for having intimate intercourse with my husband.

The supposed to be only once or two rounds turns to have five rounds because I was really horny not having sex with him for almost a week and also because tonight we decided to have drinking celebration for Amanda farewell and we can't have this moment knowing that my husband will get drunk.

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