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______________c h a p t e r  e l e v e n

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c h a p t e r e l e v e n

"Okay, guys, this is serious," she lays a blank poster onto her bed. It had only been a few hours after Stiles' blow up, and she was still very angry about it.

"Why are we here?" Malia raises her hand, slumping into the vanity chair. She claimed it was her favorite in the room, and nearly clawed Scott for the spot once.

"Because I am determined to figure out what is up with Stiles."

"I thought you were gonna let him tell you himself. You know, maturity?"

"Okay, I tried that and got lied to and yelled at like four times. Being mature is for losers."

"But you said he told you to back off," Malia reminds her.

"Yeah well I don't care."

"Okay, so he's been acting weird since two days after Tracy died," Malia says.

"Actually, he was acting weird the night after," Carson adds, eyebrows furrowing.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I left him at the library, remember? And I texted you guys to see where he was cause I had that feeling?"

"Yeah, he didn't answer," Isaac sits back. "Which I take offense to, I mean what if I had an emergency?"

Malia laughs, but quickly fixes her face at Carson's annoyed glare.

"Right. But he called me back like 15, maybe 20 minutes later, and he sounded like he just ran a marathon. Apparently his car broke down at the school."


"I keep offering to get it fixed but he refuses. Something about not wanting to waste my money."

"Okay, we know his Jeep is trash, he's poor, and you're rich. Next topic."

"Okay, moving on. He has that shoulder injury, which the cause of changes every time someone asks," she adds to the board.

"His chemosignals for anxiety were off the charts at the police station."


"When his dad mentioned Donovan," Malia finishes.

"Donovan? Psycho missing chim-" she stops speaking abruptly, frantically waving the marker around. "Oh my god. I know what happened. Why didn't you guys say something before?"

"Because we were a little busy, Carson," Isaac runs his hand over his face.

"Okay, Donovan is a chimera. We know that. He disappeared the same night Tracy died. We know he hated the Sheriff, and wanted him dead, right? He also would know that Stiles is his son. So, let's say one night he attacks Stiles when he sees that he's alone, and Stiles-" she starts drawing arrows with different markers, leading to each person.

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