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_______________c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - t w o

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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - t w o

"Coming up: the aftermath of the biggest flood in California in decades. Streets were evacuated, homes were destroyed. What was the cause of this freak natural disaster?" the newswoman speaks, and Carson can't help but stare at the screen.

"Enough of that," Lydia changes the channel to MTV, which happened to be showing Legally Blonde. "Much better."

"You think anyone died?" the brunette's blank stare continues. She'd been like this for the past few days, not really able to relax, due to the guilt clouding her mind.

"It wasn't your fault."

"I caused it."

"Dr Briggs and Valack did it to you. It wasn't your fault," she stresses, offering her some popcorn.

"Sure. What happened to us?"

"What do you mean?"

"What happened to the girls who spent Friday nights at parties and worried about if those shoes went with that dress, or which guy they'd go out with next? What happened?"

"We grew up. We didn't have a choice."

"I miss those girls. They were fun."

"Yeah they were," Lydia smiles sadly. "But we were kinda evil."

"Kinda is an understatement. We were like demons."

"Have you talked to Stiles?"

"Nothing beyond: "You need rest," or "Are you okay?" Nothing about us," she sighs.

"He's worried about you, it's sweet."

"I don't want him to be sweet, I want him to be my boyfriend again," she rolls her eyes.

"Maybe you should tell him that?"

"I've matured, but I still have some dignity, Lydia. God," she jokes, and they laugh.


"Carson, you're back!" she hears as soon as she walks into the building.

"Yes, mysterious boy I don't know?" she turns to see a guy standing in front of her.

He was tall, obviously athletic, and judging from his vibe, he didn't appear to be threatening to her, so she indulged in the conversation. Two years ago, he would've been her type but now she simply had different interests.

"I'm Nathan. You don't know me, we have English together. I've been trying to work up the courage to talk to you for the past month. I'm new here," he explains.

"Hi Nathan. I'm glad you found your-"

"Carson, we need you," Scott nods to the library.

"I'm sorry, Nate. You seem really nice, but I have to go. Don't be a stranger," she waves, walking to the library, not missing his near silent cheers.

DYNASTY - TEEN WOLF (4)Where stories live. Discover now