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c h a p t e r s e v e n

Shortly after her phone call, Carson gets home, met with her mother's concerned eyes.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah. I think. I don't know, he sounded... like, stressed. Panicked, even," she sits at the bar, accepting a glass of water from the woman.

"Hm. Well, did he say he was okay?"


"Well, give him some time. Whatever it is, if he doesn't feel comfortable telling you of all people, then it's probably best not to push," she responds, leading her into the teenager's room.

"I know, I just really want to know what happened, you know?"

"Curiosity killed the cat. Now go to bed."

"Wait, come, sit down," she pats her bed. "I'm not tired. Gilmore Girls?"

The woman squints in suspicion, before smiling. "Fine, I guess I can spare a few episodes worth of time."

"Yay," she changes into her pajamas, inspecting the now fully healed wounds from before.

She comes back in the room around five minutes later with two cups of hot chocolate and a bowl of popcorn, plopping down next to her daughter.

"So how are things with Michael?"

"Good, actually. His secretary is male, so unless he's secretly gay, that shouldn't be another issue. But you know how I feel about businessmen," she shrugs.

"They're about as trustworthy as buying a handbag from a street kiosk in Times Square," Carson recites.

"Yep. I'm happy for you, you know. I was waiting for you to finally come to your senses," Gina smiles.

"What do you mean?"

"About Stiles. It was obvious you wanted him deep down in your tiny heart for all those years."


"Minuscule. Minute. Microscopic."

"Oh like you just radiate warmth."

"I do, actually. I'm like a teddy bear, Carson. You're the one with fangs," she takes a sip.

"Um, you had them too, once. And you used them quite often."

"Will you ever let that go? I wasn't that bad."

"Sure you weren't. How'd you know?" she crosses her legs, sipping on the steaming liquid.

"I'm your mother, sweetheart. I know you better than most," she smiles. "Plus you were so jealous of his crush on Lydia."

"I was not jealous."

DYNASTY - TEEN WOLF (4)Where stories live. Discover now