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________________c h a p t e r  t e n

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c h a p t e r  t e n

"What happened to your car? Well, Derek's car?" Carson parks outside of Scott's house, as Isaac walks down the driveway.

"Battery died. Malia left the light on," he shrugs, getting in.

"Hm. So any hallucinations yet?"

"Nope," he frowns. "You?"

"No. I told you it wouldn't work," he sighs.

"Be optimistic. Malia's came out of nowhere, maybe ours will too."

"Sure," he brushes off.

"So what's up with you and Malia? Didn't you ask her on a date before we had to save Scott and Kira a few months ago?"

"Yep. And then I chickened out of asking her on another one. The timing was never right."

"This is Malia we're talking about. She's the definition of low-maintenance. Just tell her you like her. I know she likes you back," she shrugs.

"I don't know."

"Isaac, is this about Allison?"

"Why would it be about her? It's not like I really liked her and then she died. Or that not only did she die, her last words were about how much she loved our good friend, Scott."

"Yeah, why would it be about her?" Carson sarcastically shakes her head.

"I just don't want it to happen again. I don't want to lose anyone else right after getting close to them."

"In my experience, pushing someone away does not make losing them any easier. Just ask her out, Isaac. We have what? Nine months left in the school year, and then off we go to college? Seize the day."

"You're annoying when you're happy."



"So while introducing the African Cane Toad, it sounded like a good way to deal with Australia's infestation of the grey-backed beetle. Unfortunately the toad also decided to eat everything else in sight," Mrs. Finch explains.

However, Carson, Lydia, and Theo weren't paying attention to her due to the girl, Sydney, in front of them, scratching her head vigorously. The girls look at each other, before turning to Theo.

Carson points to the clumps of hair falling out, as Lydia reads Theo's texts.

"Once an invasive species is introduced, everything changes," the teacher continues.

Sydney then abruptly gets up, placing her drop form on the desk before walking out.

"Wise decision, Sydney."

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