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______________c h a p t e r  s i x t e e n

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c h a p t e r s i x t e e n

Thirty minutes. It took thirty minutes for anyone to spot the Camaro in the ditch near the preserve. As soon as someone does, she calls 911, sending more members of the McCall pack to Beacon Memorial Hospital.

"What do we got?"

"Two teenagers, it appears. Both unconscious, with head trauma and several superficial wounds. The girl has a large wound to her lower abdomen, male has a sizable shard of metal in his chest. Both are emergency victims," the paramedic yells, moving them through the doors.

"We've got IDs!" the other paramedic yells.


"Carson Rivera and Isaac Lahey. Both 18."

Carson then gasps awake, trying to get up. Everything in her body hurt, but that wasn't what she was concerned with.

"Lydia Martin. Find Lydia," she coughs out, falling back unconscious.

Several hours and one unnecessary surgery later, Isaac wakes up in his hospital room, met with Melissa and Scott.

"What happened? Where's Carson?"

"You got into a car crash."

"I know... it was a blue pickup- It was Theo. I'm gonna kill him as soon as-" he starts to get up, ignoring the pain radiating through his body.

"You need rest. You're not healing."

"Why not?"

"May have to do with the huge piece of metal that was in my chest. Where's Carson?"

"She's..." the woman glances at Scott with a solemn expression. "She had a successful surgery."

"So why do you guys look so sad?"

"She's in a coma. Currently, we just have to wait for her to wake up."

She definitely woke up, that's for sure.

"We're all gonna die," she whispers, slowly getting louder with every repetition of the word, eventually yelling so loud the entire floor was alarmed.

"Carson, Carson, sweetheart, relax," the doctor gently pushes her down.

"No, no, we're all gonna die! I have to warn them."

"Warn who?"

"My friends, my family, everyone. Theo and, and- Valack, the Dread Doctors, they're gonna-"

"I'll take it from here," Dr. Myers walks up, smirking.

"Carson, dear, I was just discussing with your mother the results of your evaluation tonight," she holds a paper in her hands.

DYNASTY - TEEN WOLF (4)Where stories live. Discover now